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Focus on Contract Law

             Sharp                                                Thinking

        No. 126                        Perspectives on Developments in the Law from Sharp-Hundley, P.C.                       January 2015

        Court Issues Key Decision On “Merger” Clauses

        By John T. Hundley, 618-242-0200,

             Contractual  ambiguity  may  allow  consideration  of  extrinsic  evidence  to  clarify  those  portions  of
        “integrated”  contracts  that  are  unclear,  but  it  does  not  open  the  flood  gates  for  consideration  of  parol
        evidence on other points or to establish entirely new terms.
             Those are among the teachings of a seminal new decision from the Seventh Circuit U.S. Court of
        Appeals.  Ruling in Druckzentrum Harry Jung GmbH & Co. v. Motorola Mobility LLC, __ F.3d __, 2014 WL
        7181473 (7th Cir. 2014), the court also:
             ►  Said that “[w]hen a contract expressly incorporates specific extrinsic materials by reference, the
        proper  inference is that other,  unmentioned extrinsic  agreements are  not  part of the contract” (court’s

             ►  Enforced  the  principle  that  if  alleged  additional  terms  are  such  that,  if
        agreed upon, they certainly would have been included in the document in the view
        of the court, evidence of their making should be kept from the trier of fact;
             ►  Said that a party’s promise to  make a good-faith effort  to meet  a
        purchasing target did not require it to adhere to a business model that protected
        the other’s interests even in the face of a significant business downturn, at least
        where the contract identified such a downturn as a factor which might cause it not
        to meet the goal;
             ►  Construed as Illinois law Appellate Court decisions that a party who made a statement which at
        that time was true, but who subsequently acquires new information which makes the former statement
        untrue or misleading, must disclose such information to anyone whom he knows to be acting on the basis
        of the original statement.
                                    In  Druckzentrum,  Motorola  had  a  plant  in  Germany  where  it  assembled
                                Chinese-manufactured phones  with locally-printed  manuals for shipment to
                                Europe, the Middle East and Asia.   It signed a contract in which it promised to
                                make a good-faith effort to purchase  2%  of its global printing  needs from
                                Druckzentrum, a local printer.  After suffering a dramatic downturn in cell phone
                                sales, Motorola cancelled the contract and consolidated its assembly operations in
        China.  Druckzentrum alleged Motorola had breached the contract and had committed  fraud in the
             Much of Druckzentrum’s case turned on the contention it had been promised an
        exclusive right to Motorola’s printing business for Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
        However, the contract contained no such promise, and it contained an “integration” or
        “merger” clause providing that “[t]his Agreement is the entire understanding between

        Sharp Thinking is an occasional newsletter of Sharp-Hundley, P.C. addressing developments in the law which may be of interest.  Nothing contained in Sharp Thinking
        shall be construed to create an attorney-client relation  where none previously has existed, nor  with respect to  any particular matter.  The  perspectives  herein constitute
        educational material on general legal topics and are not legal advice applicable to any particular situation.  To establish an attorney-client relation or to obtain legal advice on
        your particular situation, contact a Sharp-Hundley lawyer at 618-242-0200 or one of the addresses provided elsewhere in the newsletter.
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