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Mortgage Law Roundup

                 Sharp   Thinking

         No. 127                        Perspectives on Developments in the Law from Sharp-Hundley, P.C.                    February 2015

          “In Rem” Deficiency Judgments:  Risky Nonsense?

             By John T. Hundley, 618-242-0200,
             It’s a curious practice:  Foreclosure plaintiffs file a complaint seeking a personal deficiency judgment
                          against the mortgagor, but provide in the  order confirming sale that the deficiency
                          judgment is “in rem”.  In rem, of course, means that the judgment is against the thing –
                          the property  which, by the terms of the order of confirmation, is transferred to the
                          purchaser at the foreclosure sale (or its assignee).  Since the deed issued pursuant to
                          that confirmation vests good title in that purchaser (or assignee), what is the property
                          encumbered by the “in rem” deficiency judgment?  There would appear to be none.  The
                          in rem deficiency judgment clause appears to be legal nonsense.
                              To be sure, switching the deficiency judgment from in personam to in rem prevents
                          the foreclosure plaintiff from being in contempt if the mortgagor has filed for bankruptcy;
                          in that circumstance the mortgagee will have received relief from the stay to pursue its
        remedies against the mortgaged property, but not against the debtor personally.  So the taking of an “in
        rem” judgment prevents liability in the bankruptcy context, but no more so than if
        no deficiency judgment  were taken at  all.  And if, as  we think, the “in rem
        deficiency judgment” is a mere legal fiction, words that mean nothing legally, we
        are at a loss as to why the clause is included.
             If the practice serves no good purpose, a case decided by the Appellate Court
        in Chicago late last year demonstrates its riskiness.  In LSREF2 Nova Inv. III, LLC
        v. Coleman, 2014 IL App (1st) 140184, plaintiff filed a foreclosure complaint which
        sought a personal deficiency judgment; it tendered to the trial court a foreclosure
        judgment  which said  that any deficiency  would be personal; and only in  a
        confirmation order did it ask  for  the deficiency judgment to be  in rem.  Having
        received such a judgment, it then went off and filed a separate action against the
        debtor based on the promissory note.                                                               Hundley
             The debtor responded that the second suit was barred by res judicata, and the trial court agreed.  So
        did one-third of the appellate panel.  Two of the appellate judges voted to give the plaintiff a second bite at
        the personal-judgment apple, but their reasoning is unpersuasive.  To be sure, a mortgagee has the right
        to sue on the mortgage or the note or both and to do so in whatever order it wants (see Sharp Thinking
        No. 105 (December 2013)).  But where it does sue on both (as permitted by the current Illinois Mortgage
        Foreclosure Law), there appears to be no logic to holding that res judicata does not apply just because
        the plaintiff did not receive the requested personal relief.
             We think the better result would have been to leave the plaintiff hoisted upon its own petard, and that
        the case would be a good one for Supreme Court review.  What do you think?  Was LSREF2 correctly
        decided?  Is there some basis for the in rem deficiency judgment that we are missing?  Let us know your
        thoughts, which we’ll include in a future edition of Sharp Thinking.

        Sharp Thinking is an occasional newsletter of Sharp-Hundley, P.C. addressing developments in the law which may be of interest.  Nothing contained in Sharp Thinking
        shall be construed to create an attorney-client relation  where none previously has existed, nor  with respect to  any particular matter.  The  perspectives  herein constitute
        educational material on general legal topics and are not legal advice applicable to any particular situation.  To establish an attorney-client relation or to obtain legal advice on
        your particular situation, contact a Sharp-Hundley lawyer at 618-242-0200 or one of the addresses provided on page 2 of this newsletter.
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