Page 18 - AR_NorthSuburbs_Mobile
P. 18

Results: North Suburbs Assessment Quality

              The CCAO is committed to measuring the quality of its valuations. After the reassessment of each
              township, we publish reports that include self-studies using the IAAO’s standards for Accuracy,
              Uniformity, and Equity for our estimates of values of single-family homes.

              In the north suburbs, 12 of 13 townships met all three metrics for high-quality assessment.

                              Accuracy                   Uniformit                        Equit
                                  2019                       2019                           2019

               Barrington             1.00                       9.52                            1.01

               Elk Grove            0.98                          11.79                          1.01

                Evanston              1.00                        12.09                          1.02

                Hanover             0.98                       7.68                              1.01

                 Leyden             0.98                             15.29                          1.04

                  Maine              0.99                          12.44                          1.02

               New Trier            0.98                           13.38                           1.03

                   Niles             0.99                        10.09                            1.02

                Northfield           0.99                        10.22                            1.02

            Norwood Park              1.00                       10.67                            1.02

                 Palatine            1.00                       8.43                             1.01

             Schaumburg              0.99                       8.54                             1.01

                Wheeling             0.99                       9.08                             1.02

                          0.90    1.00     1.10        0.00  10.00 20.00         0.900.95   1.00  1.051.10
                            Median Sales Ratio               COD                            PRD

   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23