Page 40 - 兴华中学2018年7月号月报
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40 HIN HUA MONTHLY 2018年 7月号
Singing Our Hearts Out with
Self-composed Lyrics
Song Fest Competition 2018
◆ Junior 3 (Chicago) Champion team in action.
Reported by ELC
The final of Song Fest Competition took place form of acapella with any props other than musical
on Wednesday 25 April at the YTL hall. Once again, instruments to produce sound effects. Judging was
English Language Centre was delighted to welcome carried out according to creativity, originality, lyrics
Ms. Alice Ong, a former English and music teacher (content and message), rhythm and tempo, and
of Hin Hua High School to adjudicate the finals of lastly, the wow factor.
our Song Fest Competition along with our very own As the chief judge of the day, Ms. Alice Ong
musically inclined teachers Ms. Jolyn Ong and Ms. gave some hugely
Ong Shyne Ching. This year in order to boost and valuable feedback to all
comprise the effort put in among students the prizes the participating teams,
were awarded according to students’ level. There highlighting on the right
were winners for every level ranging from Junior choices of melody and
One to Junior Three. rhythm to produce an
Music has always evolved significantly even better performance.
among students, thus creates interest and creativity She also pointed out that
amongst students in activities they participate. The the first time performers
competition comprised two rounds. The teams had a lot to learn
who topped the prelims qualified for the finals. from the other teams
During the competition, the hall was filled with and wished that this ◆ Ms. Alice, our Chief
students brimming with enthusiasm and eagerness competition had given J udge, co mmenting
before the prize giving
to show their talents. All teams prepared well for them an opportunity to ceremony.
the competition and a wide range of songs were learn and improve from
presented. The students prepared well for the one another.
competition and it was interesting. Each team had Finally Ms. Alice announced the winners and
worked hard to comprehend the lyrics and sing the Madam Boo, the Head of the English Language
song with convictions. The song selected could Centre and Vice-principal, gave away the prizes to
be based on a famous tune of any genre with self- the winning classes.
composed lyrics. The song could be presented in the