Page 14 - NCDS May_Aug Bulletin_Neat
P. 14

In the Community

        2018 Medical Mission to Haiti

        Every June, Nassau County member Dr. Fabiola Milord is fortunate enough to have the opportunity to participate in the
        NOAH-NY medical mission trip to Haiti. The team is comprised of approximately 100 healthcare professionals including
        physicians, nurses, medical students, public health professionals, and many others.  This year, Dr. Milord was the only
        dentist on the team.  She worked out of the dental clinic at Fort Liberté Hospital in Cap Haitian, Haiti located in the north
        east section of the country.  Services included extractions, cleanings, and minor restorative procedures.  She managed to
        see 80 patients during her three-day stay.  Here are some trip highlights:

        Dr. Milord works on a Haitian police officer.  She is assisted by   A gentleman in a lot of pain comes in for an extraction.  The
        Mrs. Joanne Paul, a dental assistant out of Brooklyn, NY.  procedure is observed by a medical student (pictured on the far right).

        With just a ceiling fan to keep cool in 98-degree heat, a dab   The mission can get unbearably busy and intense—sometimes
        on the forehead for perspiration management is very much   you’ve just got to lighten the mood!
        appreciated!  Dr. Milord is grateful for the help of Rockland
        County’s own Talia Maor (left) who served as both receptionist
        and dental assistant.
                                                                Mission accomplished! After long and
                                                                exhaustive days, the dental team can feel
                                                                good about its accomplishments.  From
                                                                left to right, Ms. Talia Maor, Dr. Fabiola
                                                                Milord, Mrs. Joanne Paul Jean.  Another
                                                                mission in the books!

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