Page 6 - NCDS May_Aug Bulletin_Neat
P. 6

Message from the President

        Barry Rozenberg, DDS

                                                          The summer time blues, where are all our patients? Besides
                                                          the beach and vacation, we lose some patients through the
                                                          backdoor. Some patients leave your practice and you never
                                                          know until they don’t respond to their recall. Conducting an exit
                                                          interview by your front desk maybe helpful in resolving some
                                                          of these issues providing that your front desk is thorough and
                                                          makes eye to eye contact with your patient.

                                                          In the ADA, state dental association and the local dental
                                                          societies we are very concerned about debts incurred during
                                                          dental school. How are our young dentist going to pay back
                                                          their loans and have money to open their practice?
                                                          The solution can be having a fee-for-service practice. There
                                                          are patients in all socio-economic levels that appreciate quality
                                                          care (not just the wealthy). The ADA needs to help dentist
                                                          realize that the “insurance model” in dentistry (where patients
                                                          pay hardly any premiums) cannot be compared to the medical
                                                          model where the average family is paying more than $20,000/
                                                          year in premiums.

                                                          In the world of evidence based dentistry and “best practice” as
                                                          dentist we need to be able to give our patients our best and
                                                          that requires adequate time to perform procedures. It is very
                                                          difficult to do this when one is more concerned with volume
                                                          than perfection.

        We (dentists) have gone to college, dental school, residency programs and have the debt to prove it. We have earned
        the right to do the best that we can do and be properly compensated.

        There is no question that establishing a fee-for-service practice is much harder but then again, getting your education
        was no easy task.

        Many years ago, I became disillusioned with dentistry because my practice, the insurance part was running me and not
        me running the practice. I almost quit but I didn’t. I started eliminating insurance plans from my practice over 5 years
        and never looked back. Believe me I wish I had a good mentor when I graduated dental school because I would have
        taken the fee-for-service path from the get go.

        Have a great summer and I hope to see you all at one of our Nassau County Dental Society meetings.


        Barry Rozenberg DDS
        President, Nassau County Dental Society
        Diplomate, American Board of Orofacial Pain*
        *Not a recognized specialty of the ADA

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