Page 18 - 106醫學倫理暨人文醫學讀書心得精選集
P. 18

to  allied  professionals.  But  the  dilemma  of  Art  Therapists  in

            Taiwan was the license system is incomplete .Complementary
            therapy  such  as  Art  Therapy  provide  people  with  different
            benefit  from  the  traditional  medical  care.   They  have  the
            characteristics of non-invasive and accessibility, so if medical

            staff can learn more knowledge about this and use it in the right
            time, we can provide patients better care quality.

                 Most  therapists  are  truly  motivated  by  an  honorable

            internal desire to do what is right and good. In addition to an
            aspiration  towards  beneficence,  most  ethical  guidelines  also
            stipulate that therapists only practice within their professional
            scope of clinical competence. No matter in traditional medical

            care or  complementary therapy, ethical  issues is important  to
            patient  and  medical  staff,  because  there  is  a  mutually
            dependent  relationship  between  beneficence  and  competence.
            Medical staff often confronted with ethical dilemmas, so how

            to  balance  ethical  considerations  and  treatment  is  a  new
            challenge for the future. Ethics are not statics. It‘s complicated
            and we have to  prudently  manage .If we have a professional
            ethical guideline to follow the principles, it can be very helpful

            in  clinical,  like  how  to  minimizing  disclosure  of  confidential
            information  in  digital  transmission,  considerations  for  gift
            during treatment, when using touch during treatment...

                 Knowledge  and  skill  capacity  are  only  a  part  of

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