Page 140 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 140

The Track of the Jew through the Ages

       quest for the philosophers' stone) but flirted with the western
       "brother". The conspirators have today come one considerable step
       closer to their goal: "through world-revolution to a world-republic".
              That the over-enthusiasm of many hotheads should often
       be curbed is understandable but the vicious language with which
       the leaders of the "capitalists" and the "proletarians" mutually
       consider themselves is only for the stupid people.
              "However great the antagonism between the soldiers of both
       armies may be, the leaders do not share it, the International is up to
       now in the hands ofmen who stand more or less under the influence
       of secret sects", says C. Janet rightly in the introduction to the
       mentioned work of Deschamps. For, the Vanderveldes  264  and
       comrades who issued enthusiastic speeches are, at the same time,
       faithful servants of Freemasonry, i.e. also of Jewry, similar minds
       have found each other. The news that Lenin and Trotsky too were
       members of a Paris lodge is not at all improbable even if, up to now,
       as far as I know, no decisive evidence has been brought forward for
              A conspiratorial type of the purest kind was Simon Deutsch,
       a Masonic brother and, at the same time, along with Marx, one of
                                         265     266
       the leaders of the red International.  Arnim  reports on this
       personality to Bismarck (1 872) that he is one of the most important
       links between the German and French democratic press and a
       dangerous political informer. During the Franco-German war,
       Deutsch lived in Vienna and conducted there a zealous propaganda,
       naturally, for the French. In 1 87 1 , however, he emerged once again
       in Paris, this time as one ofthe most active members ofthe Commune
       and as one of the most important of its donors. After its defeat he
         [Emile Vandervelde (1866-1938) was a Belgian socialist statesman who was
       Chairman ofthe International Socialist Bureau (1900-1918) and served as Justice
       Minister, Foreign Minister and Health Minister between 1918 and 1937. He was a
       member ofthe Belgian Commission that protested to President Wilson against the
       alleged brutal ity of the Germans during the war.]
         [Simon Deutsch (1822-1877) was a Jewish revolutionary socialist from the
       Moravian region of the Habsburg Empire. He met Karl Marx in  1 874 in Karlovy
       Vary and was acquainted with Gambetta as well.]
         [Harry Eduard, Count Arnim-Suckow (1824-1881) was a Prussian diplomat
       who served as German ambassador in Paris in 1 872.]
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