Page 144 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 144
The Track of the Jew through the Ages
The purely Jewish lodges works more secretly than in actual
Masonry. In New York was founded (1843) the B'nai B'rith Order,
which has now become so infamous. Some years ago, it in itself
numbered 206 lodges! How many can it be today? Alongside it works
the Kesher Shel Barzel; it had, in 1874, around 3300 organisation
members . .
The goal of the B'nai B'rith is naturally an exclusively
Jewish one; it is not only recently that it has been working for the
downfall of the European peoples. In a message of Brother Peixolto
(1 866) it says: "The Grand Master visits the member lodges as often
as possible. This year he paid a visit to those in eleven cities. He has
held many conferences in order to instruct them on their duties, to
strengthen the efforts of the Order, to achieve the moral and
intellectual advancement and the complete unification ofthe family
of Israel".
If now a person should believe that orthodox Jewry would
turn away with horror from the atheistic efforts of Freemasonry, he
errs greatly. For, as Dr. Ruppin confessed to us open-heartedly:
Jewish orthodoxy is not at all a religion but "a battle organisation
for the maintenance of the Jewish people". From this point of view
alone must one judge their dealings, everything else is empty rhetoric
for the innocent masses. Jewry have of course as tenaciously as
ever maintained themselves as a people; nevertheless time has here
and there broken off a stone from the Talmudic structure. These
detached members have now founded other battle organisations or
used other associations for this purpose: the Alliance Universelle
Israelite, Freemasonry, the International, the Anglo-Jewish
Association, and many more.
These different storm-troops often fight against one another
with one insisting on its long preserved organisation, the other
considering the old costume as suitable and wearing, instead of the
caftan, a tailcoat, and carrying before its nose the Communist
Manifesto instead of the Talmud. They march separately but all
strike united against European society. Everything that undermines
it is constantly promoted by all of Jewry.
Archives Israelites, 1866, XX, pp. 885-86.