Page 148 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 148
The Track of the Jew through the Ages
are there, the results will follow. Cardinal Manning prophesied with
remarkable acuteness in a speech in London on 1 October 1877:
"There is something above and behind the emperors and princes;
this, more powerful than all of them, will make itself felt when the
time has come. On the day that all the armies ofEurope are involved
in a gigantic conflict, then, on that day, the revolution that today
works secretly and underground will consider the time favorable to
expose itself. What one saw earlier in Paris one will have before
one's eyes again all over Europe".
The long cherished work then finally succeeds in seeing
Germany surrounded and defeated at the hands of Freemasonry.
Italy was drawn into the war not only through national forces but
through the activity of the former tutor of the king and later war
minister, Ottolenghi (Ottenheimer) 286 and of the Grand Master
Ernesto Nathan 287 and of Sonnino. 288 When the latter became
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Italy's attitude was clear. Greece's king
was subject to the influence of Brother Venizelos and the threat of
Brother Jonnart (the French delegate). Athens would be shot to
pieces. The same thing happened to Romania; North America put
in immeasurable finance only when the dark powers behind
Baruch 289 and comrades prepared everything necessary in order to
attack on a convenient occasion. Now all the financially powerful
Jews ofAmerica whom Oscar Strauss, himselfa Hebrew, 290 proudly
leads, stood at the disposal of the conduct of this war; they were the
bankers G. Blumenthal, E. Meyer, Isaak Seligmann, W. Salomon,
[Giuseppe Ottolenghi (1 838-1 904) was a Jewish Italian general and War Minister
from 1902-1903.]
[Ernesto Nathan (1 848-1921) was an English-Italian Jewish politician who was
mayor of Rome from 1907 to 1913. He was named Grand Master of the Grande
Oriente d'ltalia in 1899, as well as in 1917.]
[Baron Sidney Sonnino (1 847-1922) was an Italian Jewish politician who served
as Prime Minister in 1906 and again in 1909. In 1914, as Foreign Minister, he
joined the Allied Forces, whereafter war was declared on Austria-Hungary in 191 5.]
[Bernard Baruch ( 1 870-1 965) was an American Jewish financier and speculator
who advised both President Wilson and President Roosevelt.]
[Oscar Strauss (1850-1926) was United States Secretary for Commerce and
Labour from 906 to 1 909 and Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire from 1 909 to