Page 145 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 145
Alfred Rosenberg
Only in this way does one begin to understand fully the
very significant revolution of the Jewish Council of 29 June, 1 869,
in Leipzig: "The Synod recognises that the development and
realisation of the modern principles are the most secure guarantees
for the present and future of Jewry and their supporters. They are
the very first vital conditions for the expansive development of
Jewry". Intriguing Freemasonry and Orthodoxy go hand in hand
and we witness the strange spectacle that the most conservative
institution in world-history, the synagogue, champions revolution
in other institutions. And the Chief Rabbi of Frankfurt, Isidor, wrote
in 1868:
"The Messiah, whether a man or an idea, whom the Jew
awaits, this glorious enemy of the Christian Saviour, has not yet
come, but his day is approaching! Already the peoples, led by the
societies for the regeneration of progress and enlightenment (i.e.
the Freemasons), begin to bow before Israel.
"May the whole of mankind, obedient to the philosophy of
the Alliance Universelle Israelite, follow the Jew, who rules the
intelligentsia of the progressive nations. Mankind turns its gaze to
the capital of the renovated world; that is not London, nor Paris, nor
Rome, but Jerusalem, which has risen from its ruins, which is at
once the city of the past and of the future".
The fact of Freemasonry and Jewish rule has, as the above
remarks show, been examined and studied by many men; even
newspapers of earlier times dared from time to time to sigh over it.
Thus, for instance, the Miinchener historische Blatter, in the year
1 862: "The power that the Jews were able to obtain with the help of
Freemasonry has reached its zenith. There is a secret society with
Masonic forms which is subject to unknown leaders. The members
of this association are mainly Jews". 279
But these and other timid attempts to revolt did not help.
For, the Masonic-Jewish press had the monopoly and could afford
to simply smother through silencing all attempts at explanation. Thus
did it come about that honest people have until today remained fully
Archives Israelites, XI, p. 495.
Cited in des Mousseaux, op.cit., p. 342.