Page 150 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 150
The Track of the Jew through the Ages
competence to pass a judgement on the certainly multiple roots and
motivating factors of the world war, but one root seems to me
undeniable: the world conspiracy systematically led by an
immeasurable Jewish finance, concealed by secret associations,
exploiting the nationalistic strivings of peoples with satanic cunning,
for the consolidation of a world-empire.
About all this the German Jewish colony could not have
been ignorant but certainly a large part of the German Jews,
especially the rich, believed that a weakening of Germany would
suffice to secure their power forever; the other part, which did not
have to consider personal financial loss, allowed its hatred of
Germans to work unobstructed among the best of the Entente and
their accomplices, and, after sufficient successes of subversive
activities, stabbed the German army in the back and, not satisfied
with that, set itself with the help of the Moscow Jewish finance
(Joffe, Radek-Sobelsohn) at the head ofanarchy in all German lands
and prevented any action being taken against them. Of this sort were
Luxemburg, Levien, Miihsam, Levine, Haase, Cohn, etc.
What separated the "democratic" and "revolutionary" Jews
from one another were questions of tactics and personal egoism;
their goal was the same, that is, Jewish rule in Germany. As regards
the German, it could be a matter of indifference whether the marrow
was gradually sucked from his bones or whether he was delivered
immediately to anarchy.
The last was the case in many places and opened the eyes
of many Germans to the nature of Jewish activity, about which the
"democrats" - of whom Mr. Frank Cohn spoke in New York - the
same who influenced Germany's fate most decisively, until 1933,
were, to a certain degree, shocked. For, if Michael's eyes were fully
opened, then the "furor teutonicus" could perhaps be directed, no
longer against "pan-Germanists", "militarists", etc., but against the
foreign mind which presumed to direct the German destiny. (This
awareness came to Germany through the leadership ofAdolfHitler).
After the announcement of the "Conditions of peace", one
suddenly heard patriotic tones from the mouths of Jewish-German
statesmen, and the leaves of the Jewish newspaper forest murmured