Page 19 - report_A Matter of Survival
P. 19

A Matter of Survival

             Armed Conflicts                                    focused on navigation, but later evolved into more complex and
                                                                systematic regulations of water economics and ecology. In our
             Water shortages produce a variety of negative influences on   era, the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin (2002)
             international  peace and  security.  Most  of  these  are  readily   established the first multilateral framework for the countries of
             identified, and range from direct confrontation over water and   the former Yugoslavia, following the war in the region. Water
             use of water resources as instruments of intimidation to more   served as a driver of peace.
             indirect consequences. Droughts in one part of the world, for
             instance, can lead to rising food prices and the deterioration   A Driver of Peace
             of socio-economic conditions in other parts of the world, thus
             exacerbating tensions and triggering conflicts.    Established water cooperation systems in shared river basins
                                                                are an important feature of international cooperation and of
             There is a clear link between water shortage and violence; water   the pursuit for solutions to water problems. Some of them,
             shortage has been an essential factor leading to armed conflicts   like the European examples mentioned above, were the result
             in many cases. In Syria, a protracted period of drought and a   of armed conflicts. Others, such as the Shared River Basins
             sinking water table in the eastern part of the country caused a   Agreement between Portugal and Spain (Albufeira Agreement
             substantial displacement of the population to urban areas in the   of 1998) came into being through political foresight and sound
             western regions. This migration provoked social turmoil that led   decision making.
             to the outbreak of hostilities. In Yemen both the crisis and the
             armed conflict were fueled by a severe and life-disrupting water   Some transboundary water cooperation systems have proven
             shortage. In Darfur water has been one of the main causes of the   to be very effective. The Senegal River Basin Development
             armed conflict.                                    Organization (OMVS -  Organisation pour la mise en valeur
                                                                du fleuve Sénégal),  involving  Senegal,  Guinea,  Mali  and
             Many transboundary water basins are located in areas marked   Mauritania, was established in 1972, following both a long
             by interstate tensions and, in some places, armed conflicts, both   history of cooperation through navigation, irrigation and power
             among, and within States. Although water, historically, has rarely   production on the river, as well as occasional political tension
             been the direct cause of armed conflicts, the future may not   and experience with natural disasters. OMVS is currently
             resemble the past since the population continues to grow. Water   an example of a comprehensive, institutionally-developed
             shortages and tensions over water quality can spiral into armed   management system of an international watercourse, which
             conflict and war. In recent years, water has been increasingly   has proved an effective instrument of cooperation among
             used as a weapon of war by non-state actors, such as in Darfur,   neighboring States. Several cooperation arrangements between
             Somalia, Iraq and Syria.                           countries in North and South America and parts of Asia also
                                                                serve as good examples.
             Dire warnings have been expressed in the past decades by
             Secretaries-General of the UN. On the occasion of World Water   Water cooperation can be an important factor in strengthening
             Day in 2002, Kofi Annan warned that “fierce national competition   political stability and peace. In a 2015 publication titled “Water
             over water resources has prompted fears that water issues   Cooperation Quotient,” the Strategic Foresight Group (SFG), a
             contain the seeds of violent conflict.” He went on to say: “If the   think tank based in Mumbai, India, suggests the following water
             entire world’s peoples work together, a secure and sustainable   and war equation: “Any two countries engaged in active water
             water future can be ours.”                         cooperation do not go to war for any reason.” A water cooperation
                                                                quotient is a way to measure the intensity of transboundary
             His successor, Ban Ki-moon, addressing the UN General   water cooperation and its correlation with maintaining peace
             Assembly, said on 6 February 2008: “Many of today’s conflicts   and stability between cooperating countries.
             around the world are being fueled or exacerbated by water
             shortages and climate change is only making the situation   Although experience with existing systems of transboundary
             worse.” He also pointed out that “water is a classic common   water cooperation allows us to be optimistic regarding the
             property resource. No one really owns the problem. Therefore,   future of such cooperation, the number of these systems is still
             no one really owns the solution.”                  relatively small. There are 286 transboundary river (and lake)
                                                                basins in the world, involving 148 States. Only 84 of these basins
             Collective  efforts  are  clearly  needed,  as  the  UN  Secretaries-  have joint water management bodies, and many of these are not
             General have emphasized. In situations where water has been   considered effective. The number of shared aquifers without joint
             among the major drivers of armed conflict, it will be necessary   management bodies – more than 400 – is significantly higher.
             to include a solution to the water issues in peace strategies.   There is a clear need to strengthen cooperation among riparian
             Durable and sustainable peace is not likely to last without an   countries in these shared water basins and aquifers, both to
             effective solution to the water problem. For centuries, water   foster development and to strengthen peace and stability.
             cooperation has been an important component of peace   Transboundary water cooperation systems are important assets
             treaties. Water cooperation has been a part of numerous peace   of preventive diplomacy, and instruments for effective global
             treaties in Europe: the Rhine and the Danube water cooperation   support should be devised to strengthen this cooperation.
             systems  that  exist  today  are  the  results  of  peace  agreements   Political commitment and support is necessary and appropriate
             in Vienna (1815) and in Paris (1856), respectively. They initially   financial mechanisms need to be put in place.

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