Page 20 - report_A Matter of Survival
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The Drama of Water

             Although transboundary water cooperation is an important   called for the promotion “of peaceful and inclusive societies for
             element in the efforts to address the global problem of water   sustainable development, and to provide access to justice for
             and peace effectively, it can only tackle a small part of it. Other   all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at
             water problems that can potentially threaten national, regional   all levels.”
             and  international  security  and  peace  must  also  be  identified.
             The international community is aware of the serious disruptions   The drama of water is a problem of governance.
             caused by climate change and of their impact on States, regions
             and populations, such as mass migration and rapid, uncontrolled   It is not difficult to establish connections between policies
             urbanization, and the ways to cope with these challenges.   inspired by Goals 6.5 and 16 in a comprehensive implementation
             These are the early ways to adapt to climate change, and are all   process of the Sustainable Development Goals. The concept
             strongly linked to water. Adaptation represents a key pillar of the   of water security is of key importance in this context. In a 2013
             requirement to build climate-resilient societies.  analytical brief “Water Security & the Global Water Agenda,” UN
                                                                Water defined water security as “the capacity of a population
             Water issues are a global development problem and need to be   to safeguard sustainable access to adequate quantities of
             approached in a comprehensive manner. Water was seen as an   acceptable quality water for sustaining livelihoods, human
             economic development issue in the past, with the environmental   well-being, and socio-economic development, for ensuring
             dimension added later. In 2010, the UN recognized the human   protection  against water-borne  pollution  and  water-related
             rights  dimension of  water (A/RES/64/292),  with the security   disasters, and for preserving ecosystems in a climate of peace
             aspect being acknowledged most recently. The thematic debate   and political stability.” (Italics added)
             on water, security and peace held by the UN Security Council
             on 22 November 2016 (S/PV.7818) was a clear example of the   Water security highlights the centrality of water in achieving
             recognition of the security aspect of the water problem.  a larger sense of security and sustainability of societies. Many
                                                                factors outside the water realm contribute to water security,
             An important phase in this evolution was the adoption of the   ranging from biophysical, infrastructural to institutional,
             Sustainable Development Goals by the UN General Assembly   political, social and financial. Water security lies at the center of
             in  2015  (A/RES/70/1).  Of  the  17  major  goals,  water  issues  are   many security areas, each of which is intricately linked to water.
             contained in goal 6 with several other goals also referring to
             water.  Water  issues  are  considered  an  important  priority  and   As the High-Level Expert Group of the Inter-Action Council
             are addressed in a manner cognizant of the nexus between   emphasized in its report in 2016, water is at the center of the
             water and peace. Goal 6.5 calls for implementation by 2030, of   nexus of energy, health, agriculture and biodiversity. The crises
             Integrated Water Resources Management at all levels, including   the planet faces are overlapping and intersecting, and we cannot
             through transboundary cooperation, as appropriate. Goal 16   afford to address them one by one in isolation. But by following

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