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A Matter of Survival

             the center of it – water – we can make progress in all other areas   as well as forward looking, targeted at clearly defined and
             of the nexus. Conversely, ignoring the role water plays will make   achievable objectives.
             it impossible to achieve the other SDGs.              ▪ The second task is technological. Water strategies must
                                                                  be supported by strong interdisciplinary research and the
             Achieving water security thus requires interdisciplinary   development of transformative technologies. Their purpose
             collaboration across sectors, communities and political borders.   should be to substantially increase the levels of knowledge
             International cooperation is vitally important in this context.  about water, to promote water conservation and availability,
                                                                  and to enable wise and rational management that will do no
             Faced with new, human-induced patterns of climate change,   harm but will offer fair and reasonable distribution of water.
             we have to be aware not only of the consequences of climate   Although important progress has taken place in water science
             change, such as massive displacement and the potential for   and technology over the past decades, including in remote
             conflicts within and among regions and nations, but also of the   sensing and in the improved modeling and control capabilities
             fact that water cooperation can be – and should be – a critical   of the processes, further concentrated research and capacity
             mechanism  for  the  adaptation  to  climate  change.  Dialogue,   development are needed. Advanced technologies for
             planning and common responses between States represent   water recycling and desalination, technologies for water
             the potential for the articulation of effective strategies in the   purification as well as the development of drought-resistant
             management of transboundary waters, both surface waters   crops must be high on the international agenda.
             and – even more critical for the future – shared aquifers. These     ▪ The  third  task  relates  to  the  development  of  all  forms
             preventive measures are very cost effective, but they need to be   and techniques of water diplomacy.  Obviously, these
             implemented as soon as possible.                     will have to include existing and well-tested techniques of
                                                                  intergovernmental water cooperation, including in particular
             Strategies of Peace                                  the transboundary water  management systems.  They will
                                                                  also include existing and new diplomatic and humanitarian
             The world has to face the drama of water in its many manifestations   techniques to address water problems during armed
             through a set of carefully devised and sophisticated strategies.   conflicts  – both  international and non-international.  But
             These should involve individual States and governments, regional   most importantly, hydro-diplomacy must be strengthened in
             organizations, including transboundary water management   the  framework  of conflict prevention strategies. Preventive
             systems and global organizations, including the United Nations   diplomacy must be well informed about the technical aspects
             system and global financial institutions, especially the World   of water problems and, above all, needs to be strongly
             Bank. Water issues are not new challenges or tasks for any of   supported by political leaders.
             these actors. UNESCO and WMO, for example, have been in the     ▪ The fourth task requires revisiting and updating what
             vanguard of international action on water issues for decades.   was learned over the past decades. The world needs an
             UNEP and UNDP have developed significant water programs   assessment of how valuable the lessons of the past have
             within their respective terms of reference, while UNECE   been and still are in an era of globalization and global change
             and ESCWA have important water programs. Coordination   with all its impacts on water resources, in particular on
             mechanisms like UN-Water within the UN system and global   transboundary watercourses, lakes and aquifers. It is forty
             stakeholders such as the World Water Forum also have important   years since the only UN Conference on Water was held in Mar
             experience. Activities related to climate change have produced   del Plata, Argentina. That seminal conference brought to the
             important lessons and recommendations.               fore the notion of Integrated Water Resources Management
                                                                  (IWRM)  which fundamentally changed  the water resources
             So, what is the way forward? The Budapest Water Summit 2016   development and management scene. Significant global
             called for improved water governance by increasing coherence   changes and global warming challenges as well as the need
             across  water-related  policies  through  sound  legislation,   for  effective  implementation  of  Sustainable  Development
             regulation, institutional arrangements, enforcement, integrity   Goals have created the need to exchange lessons learned
             and transparency.                                    and best practices to stimulate and support innovation. This
                                                                  is necessary to set the path towards leveraging water as an
             We strongly agree with this appeal. In addition, we believe that   important component of peace and conflict prevention. The
             the time is ripe to consider, at the global level, a set of strategies   time has come to convene a full-fledged Global Conference
             to address water matters as issues of peace and security, and to   on International Water Cooperation.
             leverage water as a driver of peace.

             A set of strategies requires coherence:

                ▪ Therefore,  the first task is political. The vital importance
               of  water  for the  maintenance of  international peace and
               security must be politically recognized. This will enable the
               formulation  of  policies  and  strategies  that  are  sufficiently
               comprehensive and coordinated, detailed and data-driven

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