Page 22 - mpb_draft 1_Neat
P. 22
Typical Road Sections
Road A, envisioned to be a 4-lane median divided Roads B and C make up the local collector level road
parkway, is planned to connect all the areas of the system that is designed to provide connectivity within
community. This major roadway is designed to follow and between individual parcels and neighborhoods. The
the natural topography, winding its way from north to character of these roads will be determined at a later
south and providing continuous community access from date when specific design of parcels and neighborhoods
the new toll road to Highway 1. Its natural landscaped are underway. It is envisioned that roads B and C will
median and parkways will vary in width according to complement the design character of the neighborhood
the topography, vegetation and intersection spacing. they serve and provide a smooth design transition to
Vegetation from the site will be rescued and used to the 4-lane median divided road (Road A). Neighborhood
landscape medians and parkways providing a natural pedestrian activity is intended to take place on the local
appearance that blends with the undisturbed vegetation collector road network providing a connection between
of the site. internal parcel walks and the larger community wide
parkway trails adjacent to the major roadway.
This major roadway is the connecting element among
the neighborhoods. Similar to the concept of a string of The trail system is a key component of the community
pearls, community facilities and recreation amenities linking neighborhoods with schools, parks, commercial
will be located along this route. Beautiful vistas areas, recreation facilities and natural open space. An
from the road will open onto natural vegetated and extensive community-wide biking and pedestrian trail
enhanced landscaped arroyos and hills and also provide system within landscaped parkways and easements will
panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, desert plains, and wind its way through the project providing residents
surrounding mountains. At each neighborhood focal and visitors access to many community services and
point distinctive architecture will be visible to travelers recreation facilities. Trails will traverse through natural
along the main road. open space and enhanced landscaped open areas
providing for a variety of different visual and tactile
experiences. The goal is to provide a trail system that
connects all community facilities and where one can
bike or walk from one end of the project to the other
Note: The schematic road cross sections were developed only for rough cost estimate purpos-
es. They are not intended as final design. Road, median and parkway widths and vertical eleva-
tions will vary at the final design phase. Design and grading elevations of the site topography
will determine the specific road design solution during the final engineering design phase.
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