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4th Biotechnology Innovation                             Global Food Safety Conference 2018
        Get Together Dinner

        Date                                                     Date
          13 Dec 2017                                              5 – 8 Mar 2018

          Abstract                                                 Abstract

        PolyU  co-hosted  alongside  The  University  of  Hong  Kong,   PolyU participated in the Global Food Safety Conference 2018
        Nanfung  Life  Sciences  and  Avalon  Biomedical  to  organise   (GFSC 2018) in Tokyo, Japan, a unique annual event bringing
        the  fourth  episode  of  Biotechnology  Get  Together  in  2017.     together  over  1,000  leading  food  safety  specialists  from
        Held  at  Hotel  ICON,  it  served  as  one  of  the  keynote  events   over  50  countries to advance food safety  globally.  Through
        of  biotechnology  and  life  sciences  in  Hong  Kong,  pooling   attending  the  conference,  FSC  met  and  networked  with
        together all the key stakeholders and experts of Hong Kong   industry  peers,  shared  knowledge,  benefited  from  thought-
        and the region for networking and exchange, shedding lights   provoking presentations from internationally reputed industry
        on innovation and next-generation technology and mapping   experts and learnt innovative ideas to inspire our R&D projects.
        out the sector’s future from a strategic perspective.
                                                                 Dr.  Terence  Lau,  Convener  of  FSC  and  Director  of  ITDO
        Government officials, prominent industry leaders and experts   was  invited  to  speak  at  the  Breakout  Session  “Food  Fraud
        included  Mr  Nicholas  Yang,  JP,  Secretary  for  Innovation   Compliance  Challenges  and  Successes”  to  illustrate  the
        and Technology, HKSAR; Prof. KY YUEN, Chair of Infectious   application of specific countermeasures in actual food fraud
        Diseases,  Department  of  Microbiology,  The  University  of   incidents,  reveal  how  experts  are  shifting  from  traditional
        Hong Kong; Mr Antony LEUNG, Chairman of Nanfung Group;   approaches  to  innovative  responses,  and  demonstrate  how
        Mr  Pony  MA,  Chairman  and  CEO  of  Tencent;  Dr  Manson   a  multi-disciplinary  approach  and  collaboration  with  the
        FOK, Founder and Chairman of Avalon Genomics; Dr. Dennis   academia can reduce  food fraud risk in a synergistic manner.
        LAM, Ophthalmologist; and so forth were among those who

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