Page 49 - WOM SUMMER 18-19
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n this day and age it’s very particularly while voice search is in a for business contact information, it’s
likely that by now you’ve growth phase. very likely that down the track they’d
I had a crack of using Apple’s start to ask for reviews and ratings as
Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft 2. Frequency of voice well. This should also serve as a red
Cortana or even Google’s Home searches: flag to all businesses out there – make
pod. Or perhaps you’re already 46% of the respondents used voice sure all of your contact information is
using this software without search every single day to look for always up to date and in working order!
even realising it in your home or and interact with local businesses.
workplace or even your car. While overall 76% of respondents 5. Respondents
We are very much living in a voice indicated that use voice search at 54% of respondents hoped that
activated society and this space is least weekly. This is a reflection of a reservations would soon be a
only going to grow as we press on changing consumer behaviour in the possibility through voice search. In
into the future. Our voice activated way that people look for and engage addition, a number of respondents
world of assistants has proven time with businesses. It’s far more efficient indicated that they’d also like some
and time again to be helpful and to perform a voice search than it is to general information to be available
create efficiencies, so it’s time your begin a ‘traditional’ Google search. such as prices and products.
business took advantage of the Again, this is all about continuing to
technology as well! 3. Frequently searched streamline information and create
A recent study undertaken by industries: efficiencies for customers. The easier
BrightLocal on US based consumers The study found the top searched they can find what they’re looking
shares insights into how customers industries to be: for, the easier they could turn into
are currently searching for business • Restaurants (51%) potential customers for you!
through voice search. The study found • Grocery stores (41%)
a range of behavioural metrics that • Food delivery (35%) 6. The future for voice
all point to the importance of not only • Clothing stores (32%) search:
being active in this space, but being • Hotels (30%) The study found that after a user
on the front foot when it comes to Now, that probably hardly comes had completed a voice search, 28%
making sure this is part of your digital as a surprise to you, given it’s very would call the business, 27% would
marketing plan. likely that those industries are high visit the website and 19% actually
Let’s take a look at a snapshot of up on your own personal search lists visit the business. The numbers are
the findings: too! The important takeaway from impressive and mean hundreds of
this insight is that the behaviour is customers could be actively engaging
1.Number of voice deeply ingrained in ‘everyday’ search with you and your business if found
search users: behaviour, meaning the potential for via voice search.
new clients in this space is HUGE.
During the past 12 months, 58%
According to Google behavioural
VOICE SEARCH of respondents used voice search Particularly if you are in the restaurant statistics, more than 50% of all
or food delivery industry – these
to look for information on a local
search across the world will be
business. Mostly, this type of search
performed by voice by the year
numbers should be bringing home the
was performed on smartphones,
2020. That certainly doesn’t mean
importance of voice search for you.
FOR LOCAL likely due to the nature of the search 4.Type of information you and your business can wait until
then to get involved! Now is the time
(for example, being out and about
searched for:
or in the car). Interestingly, the study
to own the space while it’s still an
found that more men perform voice
emerging technology.
The type of information searched for
BUSINESS searches compared to women, but using ‘voice search’ is very practical to dominate in voice search? Digital
Not sure where to start or how
information such as a phone number,
overall the high use range of users
Junkies can give you the leg up that
was aged between 18-34 years old.
address, opening hours or a map with
you need. Get in touch today and we
directions. The very nature of voice
We can only assume that the number
of people performing voice searches
might have or help you put together
timely answers, so it’s not surprising to
will continue to rise especially as the search entitles a user to quick and can answer any general questions you
LIVING IN A VOICE ACTIVATED SOCIETY. technology becomes more prevalent see that they need quick and easy to a voice search strategy for your
business today.
and user friendly as it develops.
digest business information. While at
Now is the time to own this space, the moment, users are mainly looking