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       MATERIALS                                                                                                                         Typical examples of lingua plicata - fissured tongue
                                                                                                                                                                     Typical examples of lingua plicata - fissured tongue
                                                                                                                                                                     Typical examples of lingua geografica - benign migratory glossitis

                                                                                                                                           Typical examples of lingua geografica - benign migratory glossitis
                                                                                                                                                                     Adverse effects of composite/adhesive applications in patients:
                                                                                                                                         Adverse effects of composite/adhesive applications in patients:
                                                                                                                                                                     Lingua plicata (fissured tongue) and Lingua geografica (benign migratory glossitis)
        BY PROF. DR. DR. FRANZ-XAVER REICHL, LMU MUNICH.                                                                                 Lingua plicata (fissured tongue) and Lingua geografica (benign migratory glossitis)

             ental materials should not     from composites and swallowed are    The trigger of such reactions has             to select the optimal, best tolerated
             only look good and last a      completely resorbed and broken down   now been conclusively identified as          filling material for a given patient
      Dlong time, they should also          to CO2 in the body. It has also been   methacrylates HEMA and TEGDMA,              before a planned dental restoration.
       be well tolerated. Questions about   shown that intermediates produced    which are commonly used in dental             Patients with known allergies
       their toxicology/biocompatibility    during this metabolism can have strong   medicine. In continued personal           and intolerance reactions are
       have raised a growing interest.      toxic effects themselves - leading to   research, the release rate of such         emphatically advised to consult this
       Monomer and co-monomer               “poisoning”. During the decomposition   compounds was determined for               dental toxicology advisory centre
       compounds are used in dental         of HEMA and TEGDMA in human liver    many of the commercially available            at LMU before undergoing dental
       medicine, e.g. in composites         microsomes, the formation of an epoxy   composites and adhesives and the           restoration. At this centre it can also
       and dentin adhesives. These          intermediate, 2,3-epoxymethacrylic   world’s largest and only database             be determined whether the patient
       compounds can possibly be            acid, has been detected. Epoxy       established. In collaboration with the        currently has dental material in his
       released from these materials and    compounds are considered             clinics at LMU Munich, allergy tests          or her mouth that is responsible for
       end up in the human body through     carcinogenic and mutagenic.          were developed to prove the possible          the symptoms. If that is the case,
       resorption.                            For a scientifically supported risk   presence of any existing allergies to      the patient should have the material
         One important aspect in the        analysis, it is important to know how   substances from dental materials.          removed as quickly as possible and
       evaluation of toxicology is the      much of a substance will be released   Selection of the best tolerated             replaced by the recommended, best
       determination of the resorption, metabo-  by a material, how much is actually   dental materials before a dental        tolerated dental material.
       lism and elimination of a substance in   absorbed by the organism, and at   restoration:                                Prof. Dr. Dr. Franz-Xaver Reichl
       an organism. Only resorbed substances   what level do health problems start   LMU Munich has recently                   Outpatient Clinic for Conservative Dentistry
       can cause damage. Animal studies     manifesting in the organism. In the   established the International                and Parodontology at LMU and Walther
       have shown that the (co)monomers     past 10 years, a growing number      Advisory Centre for the Tolerance             Straub Institute for Pharmacology and
                                                                                                                                         Perioral dermatitis after application of a ceramic inlay
       hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA),    of patients have shown increased     of Dental Materials (www.dentaltox.           Toxicology at LMU
       triethylene glycol dimethacrylate    manifestations of adverse effects    com). Today, it is possible after             Nussbaumstr. 26 D-80336 Munich        Perioral dermatitis after application of a ceramic inlay
                                                                                                                                         with an adhesive
       (TEGDMA) and bisphenol glycidyl      (e.g. lichenoid reaction, asthma,    allergy testing and using the                 Email:
       methacrylate (BisGMA) released       eczema) after dental restoration.    available, world’s largest database                      with an adhesive

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