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 3D CBCT IMAGING?          Just got better

            Australian Imaging now welcomes the Kavo OP3D and OP3D Pro to their line up.
            Combining the best of market-leading brands, the all new Kavo imaging range
            provides premium, quality imaging with cutting-edge technologies, all supported
            by the what we believe is the ultimate training, service and clinical expertise in
            the market.

               You’re not alone:  Australian Imaging with you every step of the investment
               with support, in-house clinical training.
               Flexibility:  up to 5 Volume Sizes up to 13 x 15 and Innovative Low Dose
               Technology ( LDT ) for dose sensitive cases.
               Panoramic images considered the best quality of any system.

               SMARTVIEW:  view and adjust FOV before examination.        NOTHING
                                                                         TO PAY FOR
               Image any area with a Freely positionable FOV.            6 MONTHS*
                                                                       Call 1300 602858

 n 2013,we at Hawkesbury Dentistry   and assistance.  5x5,6 x4 ,8x8,8 x15 and 13 x15 cm.
 after some extensive research    In depth product knowledge of The   3 The 2D OrthoFocus and Multilayer
 Iinto CBCTs decided to buy a   Soredex and general x ray products.  features (picking out best image of 6   KaVo OP 3D / OP 3D PRO  KaVo Scan eXam  KaVo Focus  KaVo OP 2D
 Soredex,Cranex 3D X Ray Machine.  The Soredex CBCT has been a   with only one exposure).
 The purchase was based upon;  renaissance to our North Western   4 The very easy to use GUI (Guided
 1 The very high quality of 2D   Sydney practice at North Richmond.  User Interface) machine management
 and 3D images that the Soredex   Application to implant and surgical   system.  Meet Dr Steve Cross from Hawkesbury Dental.  Dr Cross is
 machine produced.  work is excellent,but also to  a myriad   5 Even better, crisper images which   your personal clinical training consultant.  With years of 3D
 2 The ease of use of the actual   of GP dentistry applications such as   assist diagnosis of and explanation to the   CBCT imaging experience - as a user and an o cial trainer,
 machine and software.  endodontics (MB2),pre prosthetic and   patient.  Dr Cross provides practical insights into diagnosis, work ow
 3 The critical 3 features of post sale   periodontic evaluation, cracked cusps   6 The excellent report writing and
 sevice from Australian Imaging, which are:  and roots just to name a few.  DICOM data transfer systems in KAVO   and treatment planning. All CBCT installs receive Dr Cross
  Continuing technical back up with   So 5 years on, when Kavo is the new   OP3D PRO machine.   in house training and support.
 the machine and software.Namely,   name of Soredex the upgrade to the   Finally, the work flow and and in   Dr Steve Cross  3D CBCT
 if I have any enquiry regarding this   new KAVO OP3D PRO was the natural   house aspects has been boon for   Hawkesbury Dental  Certification
 subject a mobile call we give me   evolution  with our CBCT because;   Hawkesbury Dentistry.In 5 years we have
 nearly immediate assistance from   1 The new machine has more refined   never any problems with the well built
 equipment/IT staff.  sensors with less radiation.  Finnish machine.We are enthusiastically   Australian Imaging
  Continuing educational upgrading   2 The exciting new fields of view ,going   looking forward to the next one.  Unit 2/7 Inglewood Place Norwest Business Park BAULKHAM HILLS NSW 2153
                Phone: 1300 60 28 58  Fax: 02 8814 6988  Email:  Website:
                       *Pay nothing for 6 months. Conditions apply. Contact Australian Imaging for full Details.

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