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Featured Women continues| iChunes Ent. Magazine
• Successfully managed a local Bermudian artiste's BET campaign.
• Plus over 40 events in a span of 4 days for two consecutive years.
As a current Board Member of the Bermuda Metal Health Foundation,
whose mission it is to promote the preservation of mental health
services in Bermuda, Jodi is very active in advocating for, and
promoting various events and activities to highlight the plight of those
with a mental health diagnosis.
Wait…..there is more. She has coined a workshop entitled ‘Invest in
Planning’ where she has self-published a workbook with the mission of
helping students strategically plan how to achieve their goals. This 4-8
week course allows participants to at-
tend the class with a goal and leave
with a strategically planned document,
similar to what she would draft for her
own clientele.
She articulated "If you ask someone if
they have a goal, most will say yes, but
if you then follow that question, with
how many of you have actually taken
the time to develop a plan to achieve
that goal, most will say… No.”
She continued on to state, “Businesses
pay thousands of dollars to have
professionals like myself, draft a mar-
keting strategy that guides their busi-
ness to success, so why can’t we do
this in our own lives…."
Jodi has also recently completed her second book that is set to be
released late 2018. The book combines her years in counseling and
personal experiences, as well as her unique experiences working with
many different kinds of clients.
Ultimately she states, “The book challenges readers to stop living
distorted realities, and helps readers navigate through the ways they can
embrace their reality, and change negative self-damaging behaviors.”
~ Written by Lyma Dunbar, ichunes Ent. Magazine Editor-in-chief
9 January / March 2018