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FEATURED Entertainer | iChunes Ent. Magazine
In an industry where you are only as
good as your last hit, Raymond
Ramnarine of Dil-E-Nadan, has
managed to carve out his niche, and
continue a legacy built by his father,
Ramnarine Moonilal. With accom-
plishments that include the band,
Dil- E-Nadan receiving the Humming
Bird Gold Medal for culture in 2015,
Raymond’s many individual acco-
lades include, being crowned the
2013 Chutney Soca Monarch, as well
as being the recipient of the first ever
Lifetime Achievement Award by the
Chutney Brass Organization. Let’s band played 90% Bollywood
allow Raymond to speak for music. Now we’ve spread our
himself……. wings and welcomed all genres.
We believe music is universal,
Raymond Ramnarine, aka Dah and we focus on positive and
Showstopper, how would you happy music. Our vision has
describe YOU, the performer? taken us throughout the USA,
Humble, fun loving but dedicated to Canada and Europe.
my craft. I strive to be that perfec-
tionist! My fans are my strength. “Everybody Loves Raymond” is
your annual show, are you now a
The original Dil-E-Nadan was separate brand apart from the
created by your father about 30 band….and if so, is this a sign of
years ago. Describe the legacy, that things to come in the future?
you and your brothers have taken Dil-E-Nadan is The Brand. We’ve
on…. and how is the band different worked years to make this brand
now from when it was under your TNT’s preferred choice. But Ray-
father’s guidance? mond Ramnarine is also another
My Dad was one of the co-founding brand, a product of the ultimate
members of Dil-E-Nadan and his brand Dil-E-Nadan, and wherever
story tells it all. His sacrifices and I go I take the Dil-E-Nadan brand
determination to make our band be with me. Fans love Raymond
“The Band” his mantra…..”Never Ramnarine, and eventually
give up!” He wanted DEN to be one embrace Dil-E-Nadan. It’s an
of TNT’s prized possessions, and exciting time for music lovers
now the band is regarded as The with both brands having so much
World’s No.1 Chutney Soca Band. to offer, and 2018 will be the start
During the 60’s through the 80’s the of great things to come.
12 January / March 2018