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IMMIRGATION Alert | iChunes Ent. Magazine
Returning to Trinidad & Tobago….
What you need to know!
WHEN one contemplates the concept of Immigration in any country,
generally there are two categories that are automatically considered. The first
is natural immigration, which occurs when persons
usually leave or travel from one country that is less
hospitable for a plethora of reasons, such as econom-
ic instability, war, strife, persecution (racial,
religious or otherwise), to a country that is more
welcoming, being positively charged and diametri-
cally opposed to the undesirable reasons outlined
before. Further, within the body of natural immigra-
tion, there is the concept of reverse migration, which
simply deals with persons who have attained in most
cases a particular vintage and having made a
decision to retire, prefer to do so in their country of birth. For all intents and
purposes, I would be exploring this type of immigration as I believe it to be
most apt to the readers of this publication. Secondly there is the notion of
deportation, that is considered by many as a negative form of migration.
Deportation largely consists of persons who have over stayed their regulated
time in one country, thereby abdicating any legal right to remain and
subsequently, being forcibly returned to their country of origin. Having
outlined these two scenarios, the burning question or dilemma, that may be
troubling the mind of readers, would be; What am I to do when I return
home? It is the objective of this writer to provide a skeletal solution, in the
body of this article to the present quandary.
Before one decides to re-organize their current habitat, in favor of a return to
Trinidad and Tobago, after a long hiatus in a foreign country, it is
recommended if possible that one visits a Trinidad and Tobago Diplomatic
Mission within their jurisdiction. Trinidad and Tobago have twenty (20)
diplomatic missions located all over the globe, each providing a healthy
amount of information, that can definitely prove useful for an individual who
has reverse migration on their mind. Readers should also consider, checking
the Immigration Division of Trinidad and Tobago’s Website to get further
information about reverse migration. Acquiring information on reverse
migration is very important, as it pertains to illuminating the truth on a
plethora of misconceptions associated with the action. For example, persons
may generally believe that an individual with whom they are married, who is
not a Trinbagonian National, can automatically be naturalized as a
Trinbagonian Citizen, by virtue of their nuptials. Equally, persons may also
hold the belief, that a child born to a Trinbagonian Citizen, currently living
abroad, becomes a naturalized Trinbagonian National by birth. These are two
falsities that are shared by many citizens living abroad, and can cause persons
to be placed in embarrassing and in some remote cases, precarious positions,
if left unchecked by the actual Trinidad and Tobago citizen.
16 January / March 2018