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Immigration Alert continues| iChunes Ent. Magazine

                              Hence it is imperative, that persons visit the Diplomatic  Mission closest to
                              them,  or  visit  the  Immigration  Division  Website  to  get  further  information
                              that  can  elucidate  these  misconceptions.  As  always  there  would  be  those
                              Trinis who would have the convenience of living near a Diplomatic Mission
                              and not heed the advice of the instant writer, to attend. In any event, upon
                              their  return  to  Trinidad  and  Tobago,  one  can  simply  visit  an  office  of  the
                              Immigration Division and ascertain the correct information required to assist
                              in the completion of the reversed migration process pertaining to their loved

                              As unfortunate as it may sound, deportation exists. Many individuals do, for
                              several reasons, over stay their allotted time. Be it deliberately, flippantly or
                              carelessly, the result remains the same, once caught, subsequent to a form of
                              judicial  proceedings,  the  individual  is  usually  deported.  Once  deported  a
                              person or a deportee as they are called, is still considered a citizen of Trinidad
                              and  Tobago.  There  has  been  a  number  of  discussions  in  recent  times,
                              regarding the creation of a database and a system, similar to that of a parole
                              office, to treat with and regulate the movements of deportees, but this has not
                              yet been concretized and remains a discussion. Based upon same persons are
                              not required to do anything special or significant, in terms of checking in or
                              registering  with  any  department  of  the  Ministry  of  National  Security.  A
                              deportee is simply expected to assimilate themselves back into the norm of
                              Trinbagonian society.

                               It is the writer’s humble opinion, that for whatever reason one has decided to
                              migrate to Trinidad and Tobago, either willingly or otherwise, one should use
                              the  opportunity  of  being  here  as  a  chance  to  contribute  meaningfully  and
                              positively to a society and a community that they are now calling home once

                              ~ written by Attorney, Sean S.M. Sobers, from Trinidad W.I.
                              ichunes Ent. Magazine Contributing Writer

                                                     17  January / March 2018
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