Page 61 - 2024 Community Profile
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Brandy Karnes Named Ambassador of the Year
Brandy Karnes, Manager of Retail
Market for Arkansas Blue Cross Blue
Shield, was named Ambassador of
the Year at the Annual Meeting of The
Chamber in June 2023.
In her two years as an Ambassador,
Karnes has enjoyed getting to know the
people who are celebrating the opening
of their new businesses and finding out
from them what their businesses will
offer to the community.
“I get to be the face of our company
to the community, and help people with
their health insurance needs, but I also
get to learn about their dreams for their
business at the same time,” Karnes said.
“It’s a role I really enjoy.”
Karnes serves as an Ambassador
for both the Van Buren and Fort Smith
Chambers of Commerce, and gives
of her time on the Mercy Foundation Brandy Karnes receives her Ambassador of the Year Award from Phyllis Thompson at the
board and Out of the Darkness Suicide Annual Meeting. Photo courtesy of The Chamber.
Prevention board. She said Arkansas
Blue Cross Blue Shield has been very
supportive in allowing her the time to
be active in her service.
“The company recognizes the
benefit of my being visible outside the
office,” she explained. “It gives me the
opportunity to let people know we have
a full service office in Fort Smith that can
take care of their issues, from billing to
ID cards to taking payments or giving
them information on all of their available 700 Jefferson, Van Buren - (479) 474-2523
700 Jef
79) 4
son, V
en - (4
an Bur
coverage options.”
7 Hwy 6
4 Eas
t, Alma - (4
79) 632-3
Karnes’ active participation 917 Hwy 64 East, Alma - (479) 632-3444
Ocker-Putman Funeral Home
in Chamber activities year-round Ock er-Putman Funer al Home
contributed to her selection for the
t Smit
h - (4
4500 Jenn
y Lind Rd., F
79) 6
prestigious honor. “She was an active 4500 Jenny Lind Rd., Fort Smith - (479) 646-5555
advocate for the Chamber, volunteering
at many of our events, including ribbon
cuttings, our golf tournament, and
SINCE 1917
representing the Chamber to potential SIN CE 1 9 1 7
new members,” said Phyllis Thompson,
who coordinates the Ambassador F AMIL Y O WNED F OR
program as Director of Membership for
The Chamber.
For more information on the FIVE GENERA TIONS
Ambassadors, contact Thompson at
(479) 474-2761 ext. 202. Van Buren Chamber 2024 Directory 61