Page 63 - 2024 Community Profile
P. 63


       River Valley Chambers Team Up to Benefit Region

         In  2015,  a  small  group  of  Chamber
      of  Commerce   executives  from  several
      communities in  the Arkansas River  Valley
      recognized they could jointly benefit the entire
      region by helping one another promote events,
      participate in staff and board training and share
      operational best  practices. That once small
      group has grown to include eleven Chambers
      stretching from Sallisaw to Dardanelle, and
      now share an ongoing online chat to stay in
      communication with one another.
         “We started with just Paris, Ozark and
      Booneville in 2015. “Soon after, we added
      Charleston, then have built the group by
      inviting our neighboring Chambers,” said
      Tonya Fletcher, Executive Director of the Paris
      Area  Chamber of  Commerce,  organizer  of
      the group, and the 2023 Arkansas Economic
      Developers and Chamber Executives Chamber             Representatives from area Chambers of Commerce meet in Clarksville.
      Executive of the Year. Van Buren Chamber
      President and CEO, Julie Murray, presented                                           Photo courtesy of The Chamber.
      the award to Fletcher at the group’s annual   group,” Fletcher related. “Julie’s experience   rotates locations in order to keep travel time
      meeting.                              and insight have been invaluable to the rest of   and expense to a minimum, as well as giving
         Fletcher said the advantages to assembling   us.”                        each member a feel for the other communities
      the  group have  been numerous.  “Sometimes   One of the recent moves was to add the   represented. “When we met in Van Buren we
      we have an issue or problem nobody outside   joint board member retreat, which has given   got to take a Trolley excursion, and that added
      our industry really will understand,” she   board members of all of the Chambers the   to the fun experience,” Fletcher described.
      explained. “It can be as simple as trying to   opportunity to  network, and provided the   As  members  have  gotten  to  know  each
      put on a festival and not having enough food   resources necessary to bring in top-notch   other better, the online chat has become a
      vendors lined up.”                    speakers for the event.               great resource for all of them, according to
         Current members of the network include   “We started with just Van Buren and Paris   Fletcher. The trust has even led to instances
      Alma, Booneville, Charleston, Clarksville,   participating, but it didn’t take long for the   where new employees may train for their
      Dardanelle, Fort Smith, Ozark, Paris, Roland,   others to recognize the benefit of the training,   position at a different Chamber, to see how
      Sallisaw, and  Van Buren  Chambers of   and what we can do together to build a   they operate and take ideas back home.
      Commerce.                             stronger region,” Fletcher continued. “This   “We never know what the future will bring,
         “Julie Murray and I knew each other when   year we had about 65 attendees when we held   but we know we can help one another be
      she was in Heber Springs, so when she moved   it in Clarksville.”           better at what we do, and that makes all the
      to Van Buren we knew we needed them in the   The group meets every other month, and   difference for our region,” Fletcher concluded.

   Van Buren Chamber 2024 Directory                                                       63
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