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                                           Pictured above: A stunning vignette in a prior John Daugherty, Realtors’ listing designed and built by
                                           Thomas O’Neill Homes.
                                           Welcome to The Magazine

                                           In  the  world  of  interior  design,  a  vignette  is  a  small,  pleasing  picture
                                           formed by grouping several objects to tell a story. As our article reveals,
                                           vignettes  add  style  and  present  a  more  polished,  pulled-together  look.
                                           They may consist of a collection of prized objects, such as childhood gifts
                                           or treasures from a favorite trip. Whether purchased items or found pieces
                                           that are part of a personal collection, vignettes are a pleasurable way to
                                           command attention.
                                           On another pleasing note, The Magazine has grown – because Houston has
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