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Thomas O’Neill Homes
John A. Daugherty, Jr., chairman and CEO of John Daugherty,
Realtors, recently toured the home of Thomas O’ Neill, owner
of Thomas O’Neill Homes, a Houston based design-build firm.
As John entered the home, he witnessed firsthand Thomas’
exceptional eye for detail in the numerous, very special vignettes
throughout — even in the closet. The juxtaposition of objects
was quite interesting. Next to the bar were endearing family
photos that immediately made John feel a personal connection
to Thomas. Then, there was the unique juxtaposition of rooms.
As John entered the home, he could go to either the parlor or
library, both filled with wonderful antiques in airy settings.
What followed was quite simply the smoothest transition to
a very open, modern great room. John had never been in a
home such as this, where each room is totally different, yet
works together seamlessly. Achieving this is true talent, an art.
John just had to know Thomas’ secret to creating the perfect
vignette. We hope you enjoy reading this article which includes
Thomas’ tips - as well as tips from other well-known designers
– and that you’ll be inspired to create your very own vignette.
JD: What inspires you when creating a vignette?
TO: Inspiration comes in many forms. Often a space starts with
a single object, be it a piece of furniture, art, a rug, etc. Then Thomas O’Neill, Owner of Thomas O’Neill Homes
I begin the process of layering complimentary textures, colors
and found objects. Also, the person whose space it is drives I walk in the door everyday.
the inspiration, as we always want it to represent the family JD: What is the most surprising piece in one of your vignettes?
living in it. Your personal passion(s) should be everyone’s take-
off point. If you love to read, then begin with a well-curated TO: The chandelier hanging in my bar. It’s an 1800s Baccarat
collection of books that means something to you. For the crystal chandelier piece. I loved it from the moment I laid eyes
gardener, we might start with beautifully framed dried florals on it. It is engulfed with feathers made entirely out of crystal,
and begin building from there. coupled with the iconic Baccarat drops.
JD: What are some of your favorite places to collect items for JD: What advice would you give others trying to create a special
your vignettes? vignette?
TO: Because many of my homes are European-inspired, TO: Edit. We often start with more items than the space calls
naturally Europe is my go-to place for unique finds to bring for, and from there we pick what works best for the space.
back to my clients. But honestly, it depends on the space and Just because the item seemed perfect in the store or gallery,
the client. The fun part of designing a vignette is understanding doesn’t mean it’s right when you bring it home. Most reputable
the client and then seeking out something they would have dealers of any sort will allow you to take something home on
never found on their own. Also, we often overlook the items we approval. Don’t force something, and be patient. Let a space
already have. Repurposing our possessions in ways we hadn’t remain empty or incomplete until you find just the right piece.
utilized them before can create a new space with items that JD: How important are lighting, surface, theme and style?
already have a meaning for us.
TO: When planning for a new space, all of the above are vitally
JD: Many of your pieces seem to tell a story. Can you share important. There is no point in finding the most beautiful
piece of art if we can’t see it or it doesn’t fit the overall feel
TO: The pieces that come to mind are a pair of angels I fished of the room. Give all your treasures the best opportunity to
out of a dumpster during a school remodel. I was a principal shine by creating the backdrop to do so. Finally, when mixing
of the same school where I went to elementary, and during themes or styles, remember that is great, but every space has
a major remodel, these angels I saw everyday as a child were to have some commonality running through it. We see this a lot
tossed into the trash. I knew I had to have them, even though when blending two households into one. It’s fun for us to take
I had no clue what I was going to do with them. Today they sit objects from two different perspectives and marry them into a
prominently in my home, and I get the joy of seeing them when cohesive and inviting space.