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           If you have walked through any Kuhl-Linscomb door, you know
           very well the dazzling array of merchandise that will greet you
           once inside. The design and lifestyle store has been compared to
           a Texas version of an exotic Arabian bazaar. Designer Jonathan
           Adler even called it a “spiritual experience”. If you’ve been to
           Kuhl-Linscomb, you’ll find it hard to disagree. It is the ultimate
           one-stop shop for everything you never knew you wanted.

           But with all that merchandise, how does one manage to edge
           toward fascinating and not chaotic? Owner Pam Kuhl-Linscomb
           and the team of creative minds behind this amazing shopping
           destination  share  with  John  A.  Daugherty,  Jr.  some  wisdom
           about  the  everyday  challenges  of  merchandising  “outside  the
           box” and how vignettes become a powerful motif for the Kuhl-
           Linscomb brand and all that it carries.

           JD: Is the word vignette something that is always on your mind
           when merchandising throughout the store?

           KL:  To  some  extent,  yes.  It’s  interesting,  the  modern  mind
           probably  thinks  of  a  vignette  as  something  visual,  a  grouping
           of items and objects, artfully arranged. Historically though, the   Pam and Dan Linscomb, owners of Kuhl-Linscomb
           word vignette was more commonly used to refer to a small piece
           of writing, a short story, evocative but brief. Not that we spend   top of an antique velvet mat. It’s always about the mix and the
           a lot of time on historical semantics at Kuhl-Linscomb, but we do   juxtaposition of things that make a visual experience into more
           approach all our display work, our “vignettes,” as a storytelling   of a narrative. Your home can tell a story of its own, too. So, a
           opportunity. In that way, for us, it’s more than creating visual   major piece of advice would be to start exploring, find your taste
           appeal; you’re inviting someone to experience more closely, to   and what draws you. Collect pieces you love, and start layering
           learn about a product, a brand or a lifestyle. How you arrange   them together. Start small and don’t discount the spaces where
           everything  really  facilitates  that  narrative,  and,  we’d  like  to   you’ll  spend  the  most  time.  Even  your  bathroom  countertop
           think, it is what makes shopping at Kuhl-Linscomb so unique.  can become a beautiful vignette, with the right mix of beautiful

           JD:  Are  there  any  rules  or  guidelines  that  you  follow  when   packaging, thoughtful organization and a little fearless whimsy.
           creating your vignettes and displays around the store?

           KL: The “rules” here are more like guiding instincts. We’ll start
           work on an area and pause to judge how it’s coming together.
           We leverage our broad mix of brands for shoppable appeal and
           rely on our unique antique fixtures to add dimension. We ask
           questions: Is it balanced? Does this product array make sense
           together? What’s the mood we are creating? Also, we often have
           to revisit, because as soon as we are happy with a new vignette,
           key pieces will sell out and we have to start again. Merchandising
           is a perpetual process. It keeps all of us engaged though, and
           contributes  to  what  we  know  our  customers  love  about  the
           store: it’s never static.

           JD: Do you have any advice on how someone could integrate
           your  whimsical  approach  to  merchandising  into  their  home

           KL: You know, a key facet of Kuhl-Linscomb is the layered, visual
           experience.  We don’t use standard  retail  fixturing.  That table
           setting  you  love  is  laid  out  on  top  of  an  antique  buffet,  and
           perched next to it is a cast concrete poodle painted blue. You’re
           looking at a pair of sunglasses, but it’s inside a vintage vitrine, on

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