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                                                                                                         Rajesh Subramaniam,                                                                                                                   Soma Pandey,

                                                                                                         MD & CEO                                                                                                                              Head  - Human Resources

                                                                                                                    I  see  Values  (IIPACE)  as  powerful  instruments  of                                                                                  At Firstsource, our Values (IIPACE) are the

                                                                                                                    furthering our business, building trust with our                                                                           fabric that bind our culture together. They are the

                                                                                                                    stakeholders, establishing credibility and delivering                                                                      DNA of Firstsource because when all of us follow the

                                                                                                                    on  the  Brand  promise  &  service  excellence.                                                                           same values, we behave and act in a similar manner.

                                                                                                                    Whatever be the odds, our sharp customer focus                                                                             And this brings in predictability, trust and comfort. At

                                                                                                                    stems  from  our  collective  resolve,  to  deliver                                                                        a high level, I would say that Integrity is the bedrock

                                                                                                                    against  our  commitments.  Such  resilience  and                                                                          of our culture, always prompting us to do the right

                                                                                                                       quick-thinking  puts  Firstsource  in  good  stead                                                                      thing. The driver that takes us to the next level is

                                                                                                                          because these attributes make way for a culture                                                                      Innovation and at the heart is People centricity.

                                                                                                                            that nurtures innovation and celebrates                                                                            Being a people centric organisation, it is about

                                                                                                                              excellence. These are hallmarks of a vibrant                                                                     putting people first for everything, because our

                                                                                                                                workplace  culture  where  each  one  of  us                                                                   people are the ones who create lasting impact on

                                                                                                                                  applies our Values (IIPACE) at work.                                                                         our customers.

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