Page 63 - Art Attack Gr 9 LB SKU1007
P. 63

Create in 2D: Create an advert that makes a public comment

           Before you hand in your work, make sure of the following things:

               x  You have completed the advert to the best of your ability.
               x  You have written your name on the back of your design or added a label on the CD.
               x  You have followed all the instructions- it is a A3 equivalent or 30 seconds; it makes a
                  public comment; you have chosen a successful technique or process; you have
                  manipulated the art elements and design principles to communicate the message; you
                  have manipulated your brushes correctly and mixed your own interesting colours.
               x  You have filled in the self-assessment on the rubric and completed the comment below.

           Self-assessment and educator assessment rubric for Task 4:
            Assessment          Poor-1 mark       Fair- 2 marks       Good- 3 marks       Excellent- 4 marks

            The advert        The student has    An attempt has    A great effort has been   Expectations have
            communicates      not made an effort   been made to    put into               been exceeded.
                              to make a public
                                                 communicate the
                                                                   communicating the
            a strong          comment. The       message yet it is   message. The         Communication is both
            public            message is weak    not convincing or   message is interesting   convincing and
            comment           and confusing.     consistent.       and consistent.        innovative.
            The art
            elements and      The elements and   An attempt is     The use of elements    The application was
                                                 made to use the
                                                                                          excellent. The
            design            principles have not   elements and   and principles is good.   application of elements
            principles        been applied.      principles in an   There is continuity   and principles is
            have been use                        appropriate way.   between them.         beyond expectation.
            The design        The student does   The student has                          The innovation and
            shows             not make effort to   attempted to be   The design is creative   creativity is excellent
            creativity and    be creative or     creative or       and innovative.        and adds to the
            innovation        innovative.        innovative.                              success of the design.

                                                 The student
            A strong
            slogan has        No/a weak slogan   attempts to       The student includes a   The slogan is clear,
                                                                   creative and unique
                                                 include a slogan
                                                                                          relevant, innovative
            been              has been included.   but it is not   slogan.                and creative.
            developed                            successful.
            The design
            shows             The design is      The design        The design is finished.   The design is well-
                                                 shows a lack of
                                                                                          finished and exceeds
            sufficient time   incomplete.        time and effort.                         expectations.
            and effort
            Self assessment: Total mark achieved:                                                                         / 20 marks

            Educator assessment:  Total mark achieved:                                                                / 20 marks

           During this task, the three new things I have learnt include: ...................................................................

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