Page 5 - Naming Your Feelings Ebook
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Detangling emoEons from other symptoms can be tough,
As simple as this sounds, it isn't
always easy to name your feelings. but is always the first step in regaining control.
This might have something to do with
SomaAc pain (emoAonal pain experienced in the
brain structure. EmoAons are
body), behavioral challenges, confusion, and moodiness
generated through the limbic system,
a primiAve nonverbal circuit of our can all be signs of underlying emoAonal turmoil and your
brain, whereas naming and feelings are important pieces of this puzzle. IdenAfying
expressing emoAons are carried out what you are feeling allows you to see the pieces of the
by the cerebral cortex, the largest puzzle at play, and begin thinking about how they might
and most complex part of the brain
be interacAng to produce the problems you are
responsible for reasoning, higher
order thinking, and expressive
language. Feelings are the first clues in sleuthing out what is
While our primiAve limbic system actually going on.
governs the experiencing of Naming your feelings helps you see what is on the
emoAons, it is our cerebral cortex
table, and what you can do to move forward, adding an
that governs conscious awareness of
important element of control and awareness.
Naming Your Feelings: A Guidebook to Understand & Control Your Emotions @Alicia Clark PsyD 5