Page 10 - Naming Your Feelings Ebook
P. 10


                                                       We	   tend	   to	   forget	   that	   happiness	   doesn’t	   come	   as	   a	   result	   of	   

                                                        geBng	   something	   we	   don’t	   have,	   but	   rather	   of	   recognizing	   

                                                           and	   apprecia<ng	   what	   we	   do	   have.	   ~Frederick	   Keonig	   

                                                              Happiness	   might	   be	   one	   of	   our	   most	   sought	   aoer	   

                                                        emoAons,	   and	   yet	   has	   only	   recently	   been	   the	   subject	   of	   

                                                        scienAfic	   inquiry.	   	   As	   we	   start	   to	   understand	   more	   clearly	   
                                                        what	   makes	   up	   the	   happy	   mind,	   we	   also	   have	   to	   invesAgate	   
           Feeling	   ac<vely	   happy	   might	   be	   one	   of	   our	   
                                                        the	   noAon	   that	   at	   Ames,	   many	   of	   us	   are	   happier	   than	   we	   
          most	   sought	   a@er	   emo<ons,	   but	   it	   can	   elude	   
                                                        might	   be	   led	   to	   believe.	   	   This	   is	   true	   simply	   because	   of	   our	   
                      our	   awareness.	   	   	   	   
           Most	   of	   us	   know	   when	   we	   are	   smiling	   or	     ability	   (or	   lack	   of	   ability)	   to	   uAlize	   words	   in	   our	   
          laughing,	   but	   thanks	   to	   our	   negaAvity	   bias,	     communicaAon	   that	   illustrate	   happiness.	   	   If	   all	   we	   know	   to	   

               we	   don’t	   always	   a/ribute	   those	     describe	   this	   more	   sought	   aoer	   state	   is	   the	   word	   happy,	   we	   
                experiences	   to	   feeling	   happy.	   	   	     are	   missing	   out	   on	   a	   lot.	   	   	   

                Here	   are	   a	   few	   words	   that	   demonstrate	   an	   acEvated,	   or	   “engaged”	   happy	   mind:	   


            Naming Your Feelings: A Guidebook to Understand & Control Your Emotions   @Alicia Clark PsyD	     10
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