Page 12 - Naming Your Feelings Ebook
P. 12


                                                Sa<sfac<on	   is	   characterized	   by	   inner	   peace.	   It	   arises	   from	   generosity,	   
                                                   honesty	   and	   what	   I	   call	   ethical	   conduct,	   a	   way	   of	   behaving	   that	   

                                                           respects	   others’	   right	   to	   be	   happy.	   ~Dalai	   Lama	   

                                                 	   	   	   	   	   	   OpAmism	   and	   saAsfacAon	   work	   together.	   The	   more	   opAmisAcally	   
                                                 you	   view	   the	   world,	   the	   more	   saAsfied	   you	   will	   feel	   in	   general.	   

                                                 Likewise,	   the	   more	   saAsfied	   you	   feel,	   the	   more	   likely	   you	   are	   to	   
                                                 perceive	   the	   world	   with	   opAmism.	   Since	   how	   we	   perceive	   any	   given	   
                    saEsfacEon	                  situaAon	   is	   within	   your	   control,	   why	   not	   opt	   for	   the	   posiAve	   view?	   
                   sat· is· fac· Eon	   
                                                 	   	   	   	   	   	   That	   said,	   beware	   of	   the	   trap	   of	   expectaAons.	   Seqng	   realisAc	   
                                                 expectaAons	   	   can	   make	   the	   difference	   between	   feeling	   disappointed	   
            Fulfillment	   of	   one's	   wishes,	   
                                                 or	   graAfied.	   It	   isn’t	   hard	   to	   allow	   our	   expectaAons	   to	   skyrocket.	   And	   
           expectaEons,	   or	   needs,	   or	   the	   
                                                 when	   they	   aren’t	   met,	   we	   are	   leo	   feeling	   pre/y	   miserable.	   Aim	   to	   
            pleasure	   derived	   from	   this.	   
                                                 become	   more	   aware	   of	   your	   expectaAons,	   and	   be	   more	   honest	   about	   
                                                 what	   is	   reasonable	   to	   expect.	   The	   more	   realisAc	   your	   expectaAons	   

                                                 the	   more	   likely	   you	   will	   feel	   saAsfied.	   

                                Here	   are	   a	   few	   words	   that	   describe	   feeling	   saEsfied	   :	   


         Naming Your Feelings: A Guidebook to Understand & Control Your Emotions   @Alicia Clark PsyD   12
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