Page 17 - Naming Your Feelings Ebook
P. 17

Feeling	   PosiEvely	   MoEvated	   

                                                       Part	   of	   being	   an	   op8mist	   is	   keeping	   one’s	   head	   pointed	   toward	   
                                                            the	   sun,	   one’s	   feet	   moving	   forward.	   ~Nelson	   Mandela	   

                                                        	   	   	   	   	   	   TIP:	   	   When	   you	   are	   Ared	   or	   worn	   out	   and	   need	   a	   boost	   of	   

                                                        moAvaAon,	   look	   for	   novelty.	   	   Novelty	   includes	   newness,	   
                                                        freshness,	   something	   different	   or	   out	   of	   the	   ordinary.	   


                                                        	   	   	   	   	   	   Now	   acAng	   in	   a	   novel	   way	   may	   require	   energy,	   but	   it	   
                                                        delivers	   it	   too.	   How	   does	   it	   do	   this?	   Intrinsically	   speaking,	   

                                                        novelty	   sparks	   curiosity,	   offers	   a	   different	   perspecAve,	   and	   

                                       WeHeartIt	       drives	   up	   moAvaAon.	   	   These	   are	   the	   things	   we	   need	   when	   we	   
           moAvate	                                     are	   stuck	   and	   overwhelmed.	   So	   if	   you	   find	   yourself	   feeling	   

           mo· A· vate,	   verb	                        board	   and	   in	   need	   of	   a	   li/le	   moAvaAon,	   look	   for	   novelty	   and	   

           To	   sAmulate	   (someone's)	   interest	   in	   or	     new	   experiences.	   

           enthusiasm	   for	   doing	   something.	   

                   Here	   are	   a	   few	   words	   that	   describe	   a	   person	   who	   feels	   posiEvely	   moEvated:	   


        Naming Your Feelings: A Guidebook to Understand & Control Your Emotions   @Alicia Clark PsyD   17
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