Page 19 - Naming Your Feelings Ebook
P. 19
Anger is a weed; hate is the tree. ~St. Augus<ne
A normal but complex emoAon that ranges in intensity from irritability to rage, anger originates deep
in the primiAve part of our brain (the amygdala) to fuel self- protecAon. Anger derives from fear at its
most intense state and can sAmulate the powerful physiological “fight- or- flight” responses in people.
AcAvaAng your thinking when you feel intense emoAons like anger will help you maintain emoAonal
control. Anger can be a powerful catalyst for change if channeled effecAvely and communicated
carefully. Few people can hear anger without becoming defensive and angry themselves, so if you want
someone to hear your anger and understand your pain, try communicaAng your experience through
anger’s composite parts - hurt and fear.
I am an angry person, angrier than
most people would imagine… What
works for me is working out when it‘s
useful to use that anger. ~Alan Alda
Naming Your Feelings: A Guidebook to Understand & Control Your Emotions @Alicia Clark PsyD 19