Page 18 - Naming Your Feelings Ebook
P. 18
Feeling “Good Enough” Just As You Are
To be beau<ful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be
accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.
~Thich Nhat Hanh
Self Worth, the opposite of Shame, is a constellaAon of
posiAve beliefs about yourself that drive powerful feelings of
adequacy and value. Like all thoughts they are changeable
with focus and a/enAon. Studies have also shown that
people who meditate acAvate and increase the funcAonality
WeHeartIt of these important brain areas. MeditaAon is believed to
Of all the judgments we pass in life, increase awareness while at the same Ame facilitaAng a
none is more important than the capacity to think about one's experience rather than just
judgment we pass on ourselves. experience it, and thus tolerate it be/er.
~Nathaniel Branden
Here are a few words that
demonstrate that someone
feels good about themselves:
Naming Your Feelings: A Guidebook to Understand & Control Your Emotions © Alicia H. Clark, PsyD 18