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           Patient Perspectives

                                             No Fear, Great Doc

                                             Doug Taibi underwent surgery at WhidbeyHealth
           A Lung Scan                       Medical Center this year. He wrote the following

           Saved His Life                    email to a friend and neighbor, who volunteers
                                             at WhidbeyHealth. Taibi was grateful to her for
                                             helping him find a surgeon with whom he could feel
                                             comfortable and confident. He wrote:
                                             I loved the surgeon you recommended — Dr. John Hassapis — from the
                                             moment he walked into the room and introduced himself as John. From then on it
                                  Oak        was ‘John and Doug.’
                                  Harbor     He did not take notes during our first session; he just listened intensely and asked
                                  Charles    every question I was going to bring up before I had a chance to. I came home with
                                  R. Erps    amazing packet of diagrams and explanations he had hand-written and drew,
                                 was lucky   while we were talking. He has a manner of dissipating fears before they arise, and
                                to have a    obviously has an ethic of placing the patient, and their needs, above all else. All
                              doctor who     the hospital staff — from the receptionist to the nurses to the anesthetist — were
                           recommended       welcoming, kind and compassionate from the moment I walked through the door.
           regular lung scans.               It was a great experience. Now, I’m hopefully not running right back to surgery any
                                             time soon, but if I had to — I’d go with that group in a heartbeat.
           “I’m a 72-year-old, 100 percent combat                                                               ~ Douglas M. Taibi, Langley
           disabled Vietnam vet,” Erps said. “As a
           result of my exposure to Agent Orange
           my doctor Judye Scheidt DO, ordered  Bad Fall, Good Experience
           and having been diagnosed with COPD,
           regular scans to ensure that I didn’t   When Langley resident Diane Divelbess took a bad
           have any issues with my lungs.”    fall in her home, she ended up in a very crowded
                                              WhidbeyHealth Emergency Room on a busy day
           Good thing she did, because in August   in July.
           2017, a scan detected a spot on Erps’
           right lung.                        “Before long a very kind physician brought me to
                                              Diagnostic Imaging and closely examined my jaw,”
           “I had lung surgery to remove the spot,   Divelbess recalls. “My cheek was broken, there
           which proved to be cancerous. Because   was damage to the sinus area and my upper jaw was
           of the early scan I received, I feel that   dislocated.”
           I owe my life to my doctor and to early
           detection from the scan. I cannot say   Divelbess said that, for her, having WhidbeyHealth Medical
           enough about the importance of early   Center here on the island is crucial and although the hospital is a well-equipped
           screening and scans. They saved my life.”   Critical Access Hospital, she knows it is limited, but always ready when issues
                         ~ Charles Erps, Oak Harbor  arise. Hospital staff immediately called Oak Harbor oral and facial surgeon, Dr.
                                              Lance Keyes.
                                              “If WhidbeyHealth can’t do something they call in somebody who can, just
                                              as they did for me with Dr. Keyes. He’s a terrifically skilled and nice fellow,”
                                              Divelbess said.  “He came in the afternoon to my hospital room and arranged
             To Learn More                    for the operating room that evening. I had an operation at 8 p.m. and was out of

                   CT lung screening          surgery by 10 p.m. I left the hospital the next day.”
                                              “I’ve always had a good experience there. Even the food is good! This time
                  Diagnostic Imaging          I was irritated that I couldn’t eat the food because my jaw was wired shut.
            360.678.7607  •  8 a.m. - 5 p.m., M-F  Unfortunately, everything had to be puréed.”
                                                                                         ~ Diane Divelbess, Langley
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