Page 11 - Patient Guide - Screen
P. 11
FAQS: Frequently Asked Questions (continued)
Why do some people need Will I have trouble with night vision or passing a
an enhancement after Laser driver’s test after Laser Vision Correction?
Vision Correction?
The vast majority of patients don’t have any long-term issues with
Every patient and refractive surgeon night vision. However, your night vision can be effected for several
wants to achieve perfect vision nights after undergoing LASIK surgery as part of the normal healing.
correction with one refractive surgery
procedure. While the majority of our Some patients experience temporary night vision problems after
patients only have one treatment, LASIK or PRK that lasts longer. This temporary effect is normal and
there are occasions where a second nearly always improves over time.
treatment or an enhancement is the
preferred option. Sometimes your Some people who have excellent uncorrected visual acuity after
eyes will have an over or under LASIK based on eye chart testing still can have bothersome side
response to the LASIK or PRK treat- effects. For example, it is rare but possible that you may see 20/20
ment, and your vision can be or better after LASIK or PRK but still have symptoms such as double
corrected even more. Our doctors vision, unresolved dry eyes or difficulty seeing at night because of
can help you to determine if an glare or halos around lights.
enhancement is ideal for your vision.
Enhancements are generally per-
formed 3 to 6 months after the initial
What is the next step?
To receive complete details about LASIK or
PRK, we encourage you to schedule a FREE
can walk you through the process step-by-
step and answer all your questions. All you
have to do is make a free appointment.