Page 12 - Patient Guide - Screen
P. 12

WHAT TO EXPECT on the day of your Procedure

                     YOUR EXCITING DAY is here!

         PART ONE:                            PART TWO:                            PART THREE:

         BEFORE THE PROCEDURE                 THE PROCEDURE                        POST-PROCEDURE CARE

           • Please arrange to have a         After you will:                        • Spend the day relaxing
            friend come with you so they
            can drive you home after the        • Be warmly greeted by our         It is very important to follow your
            procedure. They can also watch       friendly surgical team            post-operative instructions and
            the procedure if you want.                                             come to all of your follow-up
                                                • Be prepared for the proce-       visits, whether they are at our
         Upon arrival you will:                  dure one eye at a time            offices or one of our partner doc-

           • Be greeted by your Patient         • Be provided with an              tors if that is more convenient.
            Counselor who will assist you        optional sedative if you are      Expect to have follow-up visits in:
            in completing all necessary          nervous. We will provide
            paperwork and conrm your            ample anesthetic to ensure          • One day
            choice of payment option, laser      your comfort.
            technology and service plan                                              • Four days for PRK only

           • Spend time with your surgeon                                            • One week
            who will answer any questions                                            • 1-3 months
            you may have

           • Relax in our welcoming oces
                                                “        King LASIK changed my life!! :) I went to four other

                                                         places for consultations and I chose King LASIK because
                                                         of their friendly and knowledgeable staff. They were
                                                         patient with me and answered all of my questions and
                                                         didn’t try to rip me off like some of the other places
                                                         I visited. Best decision I have ever made!       ”

                                                                                                — PARISA A.
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