Page 15 - Patient Guide - Screen
P. 15
“There are many excellent LASIK “I highly recommend King LASIK! All of
surgeons, however a truly exceptional the staff members I came in contact with
“ LASIK surgeon handles complications were very professional and courteous.
with ease and grace. Thank you for They are also very affordable compared
being an exceptional surgeon. My to other places I looked and financing
husband Matt and I are so grateful was easy.”
for your wonderful experience and
knowledge.” — JENNIFER Q.
— DR. JERI M., OD, Optometrist
“The doctors and staff are the kindest
and most caring group I’ve ever seen in
“Perfect 20/20 Vision — Cannot thank a medical atmosphere. I’m still in shock
you enough for how easy my life has being able to see without any help!
become without glasses and contacts!” Thank you! Thank you, Thank you!!”
— MATT M., Jeri’s husband — TARA U.
“Before LASIK, I couldn’t do anything “The prep crew was top notch. By the
without my glasses. I couldn’t even see time the doctor arrived, things had
the alarm clock next to my bed. Now, I gone so smooth I couldn’t tell where one
can ride my motorcycle with sunglasses team left off and the doctor took over.
instead of glasses and I don’t have to The front office staff was just as accom-
worry about losing them or breaking modating; professional all the way.
them when I’m rafting. It’s wonderful!!!” My ‘congrats’ to a well-trained team.”