Page 1 - Island Times April 2018
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Volume 1 • Issue 12
Bon Voyage! • If possible, carry a cell phone with you
• Bring along a water bottle and snacks
• Let someone close to you know where
Carly Waymire you are going and when you expect to
Program Coordinator, Oak Harbor Senior Center return
Spring is officially here! As the days get Overnight Trip Tips:
longer and the weather gets nicer many
people are looking for something fun to • Try to pack light, making your bag
do. The Oak Harbor Senior Center (OHSC) easy to carry
offers many travel opportunities that are • Remember to pack your prescrip-
the perfect way to get out and do some- tion medication along with any other
thing exciting, meet new friends, make medications you might find yourself
memories, and enjoy the day. We have needing (pain killers, antacids, etc.)
an assortment of different travel oppor- • Pack some snacks and water, it might
tunities from shopping in Seattle, casi- be a longer ride
Walk on! In Winter I plot and plan. In Spring, I move. tours, boat trips, short getaways, to 10 • Check the weather ahead of time and
nos, mystery lunches, museums, garden
pack accordingly
days in Spain. Here are some tips I have
~ Henry Rollins
By Christina Baldwin come up with to help you be prepared Extended Travel Tips:
for whichever kind of travel opportunity
Board Member, Island Senior Resources “For a week I don’t go any further than you decide to take. • If needed, have a pre-trip medical
that,” she says. “I just push to go a little
Signs of spring are here! Beautiful bulbs bit faster by the end of the week. Next Day Trip Tips: check up
are blooming, spring bushes are full of week, I walk an additional quarter mile to • Have a “medical kit” in your carryon
flowers, and the weeds are winning in the end of my lane and back. Again, just • Always show up on time! including prescription medications,
my garden beds. The dog is shedding • Remember things like sunscreen, hats,
and little “dust bunnies” are rolling across noticing how my body feels and if I can sunglasses, canes, umbrellas and rain BON VOYAGE continued on page 3
increase my speed, stride, or confidence.
the floor. The rain comes and goes, jackets
instead of just coming, and the light By the end of the month, I can walk
arrives earlier and lingers longer. I wrap down to the main road, using people’s
up in a jacket on my deck to have coffee mailboxes as markers of my progress.
in the morning. The tides have shifted, Then, I shift my focus to extending my
bringing back low tides during daylight distance each day.”
hours that open the beaches again to Mary knows that building heart and lung
rambling. April is an opportunity to strength is the foundation for making
get outside and appreciate the natural her muscles stronger. “Once I can walk
beauty that is so much a part of island a mile, I know I can do other things as
living. well—like going to the gym and get-
Maybe you didn’t move around a lot ting help working out on the machines.”
over the winter months; you can still Inside and outside, April is a great month
limber up for the coming summer. The for shaping up our bodies, so we feel
motto for April is: take it easy and keep ready to take advantage of the oppor-
going. A friend of mine starts her “spring
retraining” by walking with her hiking WALK ON continued on page 12
sticks up her long driveway and back.
Rose Frank, 78 Carol E., Age 73 Glenn Eckard, 82 Teri H., Age 70 Camille Brighten, 71
Oak Harbor Clinton, WA Whidbey Island Clinton, WA Oak Harbor
“The computer because it made "Technology. It has its ups and “The atomic bomb, unfortunately. "My leaf blower. It makes my life “Single line telephone.”
our life a lot easier than the downs. Overall, it allows you to It had the greatest impact on the so much easier. I love it."
washing machine.” be in touch with the world and see world.”
what they are doing. It really helps
when you have friends and family
that live far away."
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