Page 100 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           Certified Hernia Centers in Germany:                  A significant correlation between surgical volumes and
           Level 1: Prerequisite to become a hernia center    better outcomes was demonstrated in a systematic review
             Requires at least an annual hernia repair volume of 30  of 16 studies. However, this is not the case for all surgical
           cases per surgeon registered in the Herniamed registry and  interventions. The relationship between caseload and
           follow-up. After 1 year at least 90% of all hernia patients  mortality held for pancreatic resections but not for col-
           must be entered into the Herniamed registry with infor-  orectal surgery.  58  It may be that as intervention complexity
           mation on comorbidities to allow for case mix variations.  increases—requiring an interdisciplinary approach and
           Quality outcome measures exist for infections, revisions,  advanced complication management—caseload becomes
           complications and follow-up rates.                 more important. However, an interdisciplinary approach or
           Level 2: Competence center                         special complication management is rare in IH repair.
           It has higher annual volume stipulations and additional  What constitute high- and low-volume centers for IH
           requirements for morbidity conferences, pain management  repair are unclear, making outcome comparisons difficult.
           and documentation (see Table 4).                   Two large case series reported excellent results concerning
           Level 3: Reference center                          recurrences in TAPP 28  or TEP, 56  but small case series have
           It has still higher and more specific annual volume  reached similar standards. 59–62  One paper concluded that
           requirements and a variety of science- and education-based  technique standardization and learning curve completion
           requirements. Level 3 (or reference) centers must be able to  (of 50–100 cases) are the key parameters for performance
           perform all laparoscopic and open techniques for hernia  quality. 29
           repair and must have formalized cooperative agreements  Another study showed that in a high-volume center
           with plastic surgeons (see Table 4).               (defined as [ 1000 IH repairs/year) well-supervised trai-
             All hernia surgeons in the healthcare system must be  nees had longer operation times but similar complications
           GHS and EHS members and subscribe to Hernia (http://  rates and recurrences when compared with experienced
  52  surgeons. 29  It seems that learning IH repair well in a short

           Table 4 Overview of requirements for hernia centers in Germany
           Level            Level 1                        Level 2              Level 3
                                                           Competence center    Reference center
           No of hernia patients  Min 30                   Min 200 (min 30 incisional  Min 250 (min 50 incisional hernia, 5
            treated yearly                                  hernia)               complex hernias, 5 hiatal hernias)
           Science          Membership German and European Hernia  Yearly attendance at atleast  At least two presentations at a hernia
                             Society, subscription Hernia a  one hernia meeting   congress or one publication
           Education        –                              –                    Education seminars, guest visits
            Obligatory for all levels

           KQ23.a Does a center’s volume affect IH surgery    time period requires a certain caseload. This experience
           outcomes?                                          may be easiest to obtain at a high-volume center.

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