Page 105 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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             It has also been shown that, due to mesh technology  improvements at individual facilities. 145, 146  Registries can
           improvements and a better understanding of the extent of  serve as the basis for observational studies, may detect and
           inguinal floor dissection needed in hernias with defects of  lead to the analysis of rare events, may provide data needed
           less  than  3 cm,  expensive  fixation  devices  are  for RCTs, and facilitate questionnaire studies. Addition-
           unnecessary. 141, 142                              ally, patients may be recruited from registers for clinical
                                                              trials that address specific questions outside a registry’s
                                                                Registry data reflects effectiveness in routine care and
           Chapter 25                                         possesses high external validity, provided their coverage is
                                                              broadly inclusive of a national population. In contrast, RCTs
                                                              and other trials are investigational and often report on effi-
           Groin Hernia Registries                            cacy obtained in expert hands when interventions are opti-
                                                              mally applied to carefully selected subjects (Fig. 8). 147  RCTs
           P. Nordin, A. Montgomery, L. N. Jorgensen, U. Klinge and  (Table 5) are widely recognized as the criterion standard in
           T. Bisgaard                                        the evaluation of pharmacological interventions, but prob-
                                                              lems may arise if surgical techniques are compared. 144
           Introduction                                         The optimal design for comparing surgical methods is a
           Well-designed RCTs advance the scientific basis of our  randomized study involving surgeons of equal skill levels
           knowledge and promote evidence-based medicine because  who demonstrate equal levels of objectivity with the
           of their powerful internal validity. 143, 144  However, some  methods being compared. However, even in study settings,
           aspects of medical care cannot be easily addressed by  patient-related and surgeon-related factors, which cannot
           RCTs. Studies from well-validated registries can provide  be controlled, influence outcomes. Technical skill variation
           important information as well. Registry studies of large  will always exist and was demonstrated in an RCT mea-
           populations have the unique strength of reflecting clinical  suring surgical skill. 148  In this study, low surgical perfor-
           reality (e.g., outcomes in routine clinical practice) and thus  mance scores were highly correlated with 5-year hernia
           provide the surgical community a high level of external  recurrence rates. The question naturally arises then, how to
           validity.                                          consider this issue when analyzing studies? Similarly,
           KQ25.a When compared with RCTs, do well-validated IH  should RCTs be the only means we use to evaluate surgical
           quality registries, and the studies done on their databases,  methods?
           offer additional valuable evidence-based information to  Hernia surgery is usually considered within the purview
           hernia surgeons?                                   of general surgery and is often performed by non-special-

           Evidence in literature                             ized surgeons or trainees. 149  Factors like patient age, gen-
           Hernia registries provide long-term monitoring of surgical  der, comorbidities, hernia-specific conditions and surgeons’
           quality in unselected patients and facilitate surgical care  preferences and experience might influence surgical indi-
                                                              cations and the choice of operative technique.

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