Page 109 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
P. 109
Introduction guideline. The barriers to implementing recommendations
were sought and described independently in relevant
One of the goals of the HerniaSurge Group is the worldwide chapters.
dissemination and implementation of our groin hernia Implementation and dissemination methods
management guidelines. They contain the most current
Branding—HerniaSurge. Theaim is for the guidelinestobe
evidence-based information and also show where scientific
well-recognized, effective and disseminated worldwide.
research is needed. They are important for guiding clinical
Translation of the key statements and recommendations
practice and for the education of surgeons and for stan-
of the guidelines into languages that are most spoken:
dardizing surgical training. However, without an ambitious
Mandarin, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian,
implementation plan designed to reach targeted groups, the
impact on hernia management could be disappointing. 179, 180 Japanese and German.
Website:—a platform that
Never before have any of the hernia surgery societies or
consolidates the main aspects of the guidelines, gives
inguinal guidelines focused on performing the difficult task
of global recognition and awareness. 50, 51, 181, 182 insight into their development methodology, provides a
database of the multimedia supplements and also includes
HerniaSurge will create a guideline implementation 184
resources for patients and medical professionals.
trajectory and a transparent dissemination plan.
The following questions were identified: 1. Patient Resources
• What are the target groups for the guidelines? • Short videos explaining the pathology of IH and
• What are the most important messages of the guideli- the most common surgical procedures.
nes, both general and specific, for the targeted groups? • A brief explanation of the purpose for which the
• Which channels can be used for guidelines distribution? guidelines were created.
• How can the guidelines be supported by Internet tools, • Highlights of the most important issues that are
platforms, Apps and social media? of particular interest to IH patients (e.g., the
• What is the evaluation strategy for the implementation prevention and treatment of chronic pain).
2. Resources for medical professionals
Target Groups
• Full guidelines.
The groups needing information about guidelines content
• Short explanations of main objectives, methods
and key recommendations in several languages.
• Surgeons and physicians treating groin hernia patients • Database with literature.
• Healthcare providers performing services for the treat-
Social media: Facebook and LinkedIn pages including
ment of hernias
several selected topics (much more concise than the
• Groin hernia patients and their family members
HerniaSurge website)
1. Resources for patients: three to four videos as
HerniaSurge was established as a joint effort of the EHS,
mentioned above with simple explanations on the
EAES, IEHS, AHS, APHS, AMEHS and Australasian
aim of the guidelines and the key recommendations
Hernia Society to develop guidelines for surgeons and
that are of particular interest to patients, translated
healthcare providers who treat groin hernia patients. The
into different languages.
guidelines include information on inguinal and femoral
2. Resources for medical professionals: short explana-
hernias in men and women and were developed according tions on main objectives, methods and key recom-
to the AGREE II instrument. 183 A set of key recommen-
mendations in several languages.
dations of the guidelines will be identified on a global level
3. Direct links to
by a vote during the international hernia congresses. The
focus of the dissemination process will be placed on these Publication of the key recommendations with reference
key recommendations while providing access to the whole to the full guidelines (on the HerniaSurge website)