Page 110 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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             through every Hernia or National General Surgery  key recommendations will be used for those test countries
             Society after an inventory of these societies worldwide.  based on the up-to-date status of hernia surgery. The dis-
             Presentation of the key recommendations worldwide at  semination will be conducted and monitored by dedicated
             hernia congresses (EHS/AHS/EAES/Annual congresses  Ph.D. students. An evaluation after 5 years will be per-
             of Hernia Societies).                            formed and analyzed so that improvements can be made.
             Mass media: several mass channels (for example,    The proposed dissemination plan is ambitious, however,
             Euronews, BBC, CNBC) should be approached through  lookingthroughthe prism oftoday’ssociety thatisorientedon
             media and communication departments to communicate  fast collection and processing of information we need a clear,
             the existence of the first worldwide surgical guidelines.  yet modern method for dissemination. It will be an innovative
             Spokesmen will be chosen for this task.          project that will determine the trend for the possibility and
                                                              potential success of introducing future guidelines.
           The use of Modern Multimedia and Network tools.
           The aim is not only to offer written guidelines, but also to
                                                              Global Groin Hernia Management
           offer assistance in their implementation.
           •  Video—tutorial videos for procedures. Videos of the  Chapter 28
              most common hernia operations for the instruction of
              new learners (Lichtenstein, TEP, TAPP).
           •  Podcasts—recorded discussions on the guidelines con-  Inguinal Hernia Surgery in Low Resource Settings
              ducted by recognized hernia experts and authorities.  P. Nordin, D.L. Sanders, I. Konate ´, R. Sani and M.
              There will be a few selected essential topics like  P. Simons
              algorithms for groin hernia treatment pointing out the
              advantages and disadvantages of proposed procedures  Introduction
              as well as defining the indications. Most importantly,  HerniaSurge  (  develops
              this information will be submitted in an understandable  guidelines intended for use globally. This chapter contains
              and accessible fashion so that they are clear even for  guidelines on the performance of safe, cost-effective IH
              novice surgeons. The information should focus on the  repair in low resource settings (LRSs). HerniaSurge
              complexity of the treatment selection accordingly to  believes that every patient with a groin hernia, wherever
              defined factors such as gender, age, etc. These factors  they may live, has the right to the best possible care.
              will be determined by the HerniaSurge Group and  Nevertheless, it will take time to achieve a consistent high
              presented in the Podcast.                       level of care throughout many areas in the world that lack
           •  Teaching—PowerPoint presentations will be developed  the resources that are necessary and this is reflected in the
              and available on the website. Surgeons worldwide will  recommendations made in this chapter.
              be able to use these for teaching/learning in their own  There is a substantial burden of disease in countries
              institutions.                                   where the majority of the world’s groin hernia patients live.
           •  App—HerniaSurge will create an application for PC,  Although herniorrhaphy is one of the most commonly
              smartphones and other devices which will help to analyze  performed surgeries in LRSs, 185, 186  needs exceed capacity.
              and select the best treatment option for individual  This surgical ‘‘under-production’’ over time results in high
              patients according to the guidelines. Further it will  hernia prevalence in populations. This in turn results in a
              contain critical information on the topic, an anatomical  high proportion of emergency surgery and significant
              atlas of the groin region, answers on all frequently asked  morbidity and mortality. 187–194  This, despite the fact that
              questions and a knowledge quiz to entertain and stim-  groin hernia repair is highly cost effective. 195–197
              ulate the curiosity of residents and experts.
                                                              Key Questions:
           Evaluation and Revision
                                                              KQ28.a What is the epidemiology of inguinal hernia in
           The dissemination process will be monitored and audited
           by each of the national chapters. The level of implemen-
                                                              KQ28.b Which types of inguinal hernia repairs are cur-
           tation will be determined by a predefined set of criteria
                                                              rently performed in LRSs?
           (guidelines awareness, target groups’ attitudes, application
                                                              KQ28.c What is the recommended operation for inguinal
           of recommendations, and the effect on medical care).
                                                              hernias in low resource environments?
             During the dissemination, a study will be performed
                                                              KQ28.d What are the logistical challenges for safe groin
           examining the quality and effectiveness of the process of
                                                              hernia repair in low resource environments?
           implementation in two to three test countries that will be
                                                              KQ28.e Should any special precautions be taken?
           selected by the HerniaSurge Group. The most important
                                                              KQ28.f What is the most suitable mesh?
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