Page 107 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           Discussion                                         recurrence, etc.) or patient-related (e.g., quality of life,
           There are several examples of RCTs with a major role in  patient satisfaction, etc.). Both are important in assessing
           advancing the scientific basis of our knowledge and pro-  quality and are interrelated. Devising a meaningful, intel-
           mote evidence-based groin hernia surgery. 82, 163, 164  Hernia  ligible and fair system for collecting data on quality is
           registers with high population based coverage, correct data  extremely complicated. Difficulties include:
           and a great number of unselected patients have the unique  Questions with no answers raised for discussion:
           possibility to study clinical reality and reflect outcomes in  What is measured?
           more routine clinical practice.
                                                                Which outcomes?
             Registry-based studies are therefore important com-
                                                                Should risk adjustment be performed?
           plements to RCTs. Currently, there are several examples
                                                                How should risk adjustment be done (if it is done)?
           of evidence-based national registry studies which are
           generalizable  to  the  realm  of   groin  hernia  Will outcome measurement lead to conservatism in sur-
           surgery. 63, 146, 155–159                          gical practice?
                                                              How are measurements made and are they accurate?
                                                                Are data collected accurately and reliably?
           Chapter 26

           Outcomes and Quality Assessment                      When does a valid outcome manifest after an operation?
                                                                What follow-up time is required?
                                                                How is outcome information collected when routine
           D.L. Sanders, H. Eker and J. Bingener
                                                                follow-up is not done?
           Introduction                                       Practicality

                                                                Will outcome data collection significantly add to
           Surgical outcome reporting is important in understanding
           the postoperative course of patients undergoing different  surgeons’ workloads?
           types of groin hernia repair. It also serves to clarify how  Will outcome data collection significantly add to other
           outcomes are affected by preoperative, surgical and post-  healthcare workers’ workloads?
           operative variables (e.g., comorbidities, mesh type, mesh  Will costs be increased?
                                                                Who will pay for these cost increases (if they occur)?
           fixation method, and others).
           KQ26.a What are the currently used methods for mea-  How will the data be used and accessed?
           suring surgeon-specific outcomes following groin hernia
           repair?                                              Data available to the lay public must be both under-
                                                                standable and detailed enough to provide valid decision
           KQ26.b What are the currently used methods for mea-
           suring patient-based outcomes following groin hernia  making tools.
                                                                Will there be legal implications of outcome data
                                                                collection and dissemination?

           Evidence and discussion                              Will there be regulatory or governmental implications?
           A worldwide agenda now exists to ensure high standards in
                                                                Seven clinical outcomes assessment tools specific to
           surgical practice by public dissemination of the outcomes  hernia surgery are in use internationally, 167–174  as is one
           of operations. 165, 166  Quality outcome indicators can be                      175
                                                              patient outcomes assessment tool.  Several hernia reg-
           either surgeon-specific/clinical (e.g., length of stay,
                                                              istries exist (Swedish Hernia Registry, Danish Hernia

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