Page 103 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           Chapter 24                                           Surgeons can only influence some of the factors above.
                                                              Operating time, surgical intervention quality, and instru-
                                                              ment and material choices are the surgeon’s responsibil-
           Costs                                              ity. 82–86  An individual surgeon’s experience and skill may
                                                              significantly impact cost when factors such as operating
           G. H. van Ramshorst, R. Bittner, H. Eker and W. Hope  time,  complication  rates  and  recurrences  are
                                                              considered. 82, 85, 87
           Introduction                                         Studies report wide variations in quality of life and
           Factors influencing costs in inguinal hernia repair.  quality-adjusted life years (QALY) following IH repair. It
           Cost calculations for IH repair are complex and difficult to  is known for example, that patients receiving workers
           perform. 77  Overall costs, including pretreatment, treatment  compensation take longer to return to work than those not
           and posttreatment medical care, societal and employer  receiving these compensations. 79, 88  Patient-related factors
           costs are rarely completely reported in studies. Moreover, it  such as age, comorbidity, work type, employment history,
           should be considered that costs are not equal to charges. 78  local culture, and physicians’ expectations influence
           Charges are not necessarily related to costs, and are usually  recovery time but their contribution to costs are difficult to
           constructed using different formulas. Charges can vary  evaluate. 89, 90  Additional costs such as medication expen-
           greatly among hospitals and countries. Reimbursement of  ses, home care compensations and transportation-related
           costs by insurance companies or patients varies widely  expenditures add to the tally and are similarly difficult to
           between countries and hospitals, often depending on  capture fully. Rarely considered are patient loss of income,
           negotiations related to volume agreements. 79  All of the  disability insurance costs, and costs associated with the
           aforementioned stages in the treatment process are asso-  patient’s inability to care for others. Other relevant
           ciated with variable costs.                        employer-related outlays include: insurance costs, pro-
             IH repair cost calculations are complex and difficult to  ductivity losses and worker replacement costs. 79
           perform. 77  Total costs, including pretreatment, treatment  Complicating comparisons between studies on costs is
           and posttreatment medical care, societal and employer  the fact that currency conversions over time are problem-
           costs are rarely reported completely.              atic and in some studies only percentages of cost differ-
             Data demonstrate clearly that hernia surgery cost cal-  ences were estimated. In other studies percentages of
           culations are determined by a large number of variables  effectiveness differences were used to calculate incre-
           including:                                         mental cost per recurrence avoided and incremental cost
             Patient-specific characteristics, hernia pathology, anes-  per added day of work or usual activity.
           thetic type, annual hernia case load, procedure type, sur-  Laparoscopic repair costs can change over time as new
           geons’ skills, fixation type (including no fixation),  equipment is purchased, costs are spread over a higher
           Complication frequency, operative setting, number of  volume of procedures, or the equipment is used for other
           postoperative visits, sick leave duration, recurrence rate,  procedures. 91
           salaries of personnel, equipment depreciation, share of  KQ24.a Is open or endoscopic inguinal hernia repair more
           costs from relevant support services.              cost effective?
             As expected, published data on costs of an IH operation  KQ24.b What are the costs and cost differences between
           show huge variations, ranging from about 126 USD to  open and laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair?
           more than 4116 USD. 80, 81  Even within one institution,
           there are huge variations in costs generated by individual
           providers. 81

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