Page 114 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           Europe prior to market release. 252  Clearly these approved  The LDPE net was less than 0.03% the cost of commercial
           meshes are suitable for use in LRSs but are generally  mesh. 257
           unaffordable there and therefore not used.           A recently published RCT comparing LDPE mesh with
             The use of mosquito net as an alternative to commercial  commercial mesh including 302 male patients concluded
           prosthetics was pioneered in India by Dr. Tongaonkar. 224  that there was no significant difference in recurrence or
           The first multicenter trial was performed there, using  complication rates. 223  The follow-up rate was 97.3% after
           indigenous autoclaved and sterilized mosquito net mesh  2 weeks and 95.6% after 1 year. Recurrence occurred in 1
           composed of polyethylene and polypropylene. The study  patient (0.7%) assigned to LDPE mesh and in no patients
           reported a 6.9% incidence of complications, comparable to  assigned to commercial mesh (absolute risk difference 0.7
           complications seen with Prolene mesh, with only one  percentage points; 95% confidence interval [CI] - 1.2 to
           recurrence (0.27%) and no adverse mesh reactions at up to  2.6; p = 1.0). Postoperative complications occurred in 44
           5-year follow-up. More recently, a number of studies in  patients (30.8%) assigned to the low-cost mesh and in 44
           developing countries have examined hernia repair with  patients (29.7%) assigned to the commercial mesh (abso-
           locally  available  mosquito   net   of   various  lute risk difference, 1.0 percentage point; 95% CI, - 9.5 to
           types. 227, 231, 232, 253–257  Mosquito nets vary in construc-  11.6; p = 1.0).
           tion, but most commonly consist of cotton, polyethylene,  When mosquito net is used, tension-free IH repair is
           nylon and polyester polymers. 258                  approximately one-third the cost of repair with a conven-
             Net pore size must be less than 1.2 mm to stop mos-  tional alternative. 227, 229, 233  This finding is supported by a
           quitoes. However, many nets use a pore size of 0.6 mm to  meta-analysis, which also found no increase in septic
           stop other biting insects. 258  Several studies have demon-  complications or recurrences. 259
           strated that mosquito net can be implanted with low com-  Mosquito net steam sterilization at 121 °C has been
           plication rates, but not all mosquito nets are the same. In  recommended but long-term follow-up data confirming
           addition to pore size differences, some are constructed of  sterility is lacking. Most of the currently used LDPE net is
           unsuitable polymers, have coatings such as DEET, and  sterilized with ethylene oxide. 222
           have biomechanical properties that may produce intense  Cost-effectiveness analyses have estimated the overall
           inflammation,  all  of  which  may  lead  to  mesh  cost associated with mesh repair to be 12.88 USD per
           complications.                                     DALY averted (assuming 120.02 USD/hernia repair and
             There are legitimate concerns about infection risk, for-  9.3 DALYs averted/person). 197, 233  Based on this figure,
           eign-body reaction, the effectiveness of sterilization pro-  hernia repair using low-cost mesh is a more cost-effective
           cedures in LRS hospitals, and the safe use of locally  intervention than oral dehydration or at-home HIV/AIDS
           sourced and prepared mosquito net for implantation.  treatment with antiretroviral therapy. 202
             A 2013 study compared the characteristics of mosquito  Before universal acceptance of mosquito net for IH
           net to other FDA- and MHRA-approved commercial     repair can be achieved; however, careful audit and follow-
           meshes. 230  The tested mosquito net was a low-density  up studies are required, which may be difficult to do in
           polyethylene  homo-polymer  (LDPE),  knitted  from  LRSs.
           monofilament fibers, the mean pore diameter was 1.9 mm,  KQ28.g What is the best way to sustainably educate sur-
           with a 91.2% porosity, 53.7 g/m mean mesh weight, and  geons in LRSs?
           linear mass density of 152 denier, comparable to the ‘‘large  Groin hernia surgery is the most common surgery per-
           pore’’ (class I) commercial meshes. The bursting force for  formed in LRSs even though access to surgical services is
           polyethylene mosquito net was greater than that for  very limited. A lack of skilled healthcare personnel exac-
           UltraPro and Vypro (43.0 vs 35.5 and 27.2 N/cm, respec-  erbates this access problem. In sub-Saharan Africa, for
           tively). The mosquito net exhibited less anisotropy when  example, most surgical and anesthesia services are pro-
           compared with commercial meshes.                   vided by general physicians or non-physician clinicians
             A randomized trial of nylon mosquito net versus com-  rather than specialists. 260, 261  Hernia is a neglected condi-
           mercial mesh in 40 IH patients from Burkina Faso found no  tion in LRSs. Strategies to provide education, training, and
           difference in short-term 30-day follow-up outcomes. 232  resources and reorder priorities are necessary to change this
             A 10-year retrospective analysis was done of consecu-  situation.
           tive patients who underwent a total of 651 IH LDPE net  Many surgical skill educational programs exist but are
           repairs and were followed for 12–18 months. Thirty-two  not especially focused on hernia surgery. It is known that
           patients were lost to follow-up. Six superficial surgical site  continuing education improves patient safety. 261  A con-
           infections occurred (0.9%), as did one seroma (0.1%), and  ceptual hernia surgery education program could focus on
           two hematomas (0.3%). Two patients reported chronic pain  three groups of LRS surgeons.
           (0.3%). No recurrences or mesh rejections were reported.

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