Page 119 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
P. 119


           Training and learning curve                        registry? Future research might find objective data to
           It is frequently stated that laparo-endoscopic inguinal her-  answer these questions.
           nia repair requires a longer learning curve when compared  A novel strategy is to use health quality registries as
           to open techniques, and endoscopic longer that laparo-  platforms for randomization, so-called Registry-based
           scopic. Learning curves are commonly expressed in num-  Randomised Clinical Trials (RRCT). By including a ran-
           bers of surgeries performed. However, endoscopic   domization module in a population based clinical registry
           competence of a resident prior to training is left out of the  with high coverage and unselected consecutive enrolment,
           equation. Gradually it is believed that competence based  the advantages of a RCT can be combined with the
           training and learning is a much more viable model.  strengths of a large-scale registry. The advantages will be
           Therefore, we recommend achieving consensus or guide-  adequate power with unselected patients, facilitated follow-
           lines on all aspects and surgical steps on groin hernia  up, better control of confounding factors, and a powerful
           training. Subsequently, outcomes can be analyzed with  tool for conducting studies efficiently and cost-effectively.
           regards to the surgeon’s competences and secondly to the
           surgeon’s caseload.                                Outcomes and quality assessment
                                                              A groin hernia operation is considered a success, not only
           Specialized centers and hernia specialists         in absence of complications, such as recurrence and
           Hernia surgery is commonly performed by general sur-  chronic pain, but also if the patient is satisfied with all
           geons in general hospitals. However, specialized hernia  aspects of the repair. Patient Reported Outcome Measures
           centers are emerging, focusing solely on hernia manage-  (PROMs) assess how patients experience their illness and
           ment. The additional value of these centers needs to be  health after treatment. It is foreseen that in the future
           evaluated. Are the outcomes after hernia surgery in a  PROMs will have a growing significant meaning in the
           specialized hernia center better compared to hernia surgery  treatment of any condition or disease. The linkage of
           performed by a general surgeon in a general hospital? And  PROMs to national registries, yields opportunities to ana-
           if so, where should hernia surgery be performed? Which  lyze numerous of variables in hernia surgery and their
           minimal conditions need to be fulfilled to perform hernia  weight in quality outcomes. It is necessary to develop
           surgery in a non-specialized center? Additionally, which  quality indicators that are well defined and feasible given
           requirements are to be met, to call a center a Hernia center  the time and resources it needs to collect and analyze them.
           in terms of caseload, diagnostics, techniques performed,
           registry and scientific research participation? And equally,  Implementation
           what would be the requirements to call oneself a hernia  These current guidelines are an initiative of many surgical
           specialist?                                        hernia societies. It would be interesting to conduct a survey
                                                              in the future to evaluate surgeons’ adherence to these
           Costs                                              guidelines. Guideline adherence is a tool to measure the
                                                              value and implementation of the guidelines.
           The hernia literature needs standardized ways to report cost
           so that techniques may be equally compared. This would  Inguinal hernia surgery in low resource settings
           start with a review of the reported different cost models and  In low resource settings these current guidelines are less
           then propose a standard model. Direct and indirect costs  applicable. Mesh is not always available, and subsequent
           need to be taken into account, respecting international and  non-mesh techniques are the best surgical option. Question
           cultural differences.                              remains, whether it is feasible to implement a safe and
                                                              cost-effective method of groin hernia mesh repair under
           Registries                                         local anesthesia in low income settings? Aspects of train-
                                                              ing, standardizing hernia care and financial aspects should
           The use of registries has increased the last couple of years.  be addressed.
           Large sets of data have shown to be contributive in fields in
           which randomized controlled trials are lacking. It still  Proposed trials
           needs to be determined whether national hernia registries  Apart from the trials mentioned in the previous text, we
           improve outcomes of hernia treatment? And if so, should  stimulate researchers to initiate the following specific
           registration be internationally encouraged? What is the  trials:
           value of a registry compared to randomized controlled
                                                              •  A randomized controlled trial including young male
           trials? And is data generated by registries valid? Can data
           from national registries be pooled to an international  adults (18–25-years-old) with an inguinal hernia com-
                                                                 paring SAC resection only with a Shouldice repair and

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